Veille informationnelle

Vous retrouverez ici la veille informationnelle de nos infolettres antérieures. Les articles sont classés par sujets en lien avec les intérêts de la Chaire, soit :
- Promotion et la prévention de la santé
- Habitation
- Déterminants sociaux de la santé
- Recherche interventionnelle
D’autres catégories s’ajoutent parfois, selon le thème de notre infolettre qui change à chaque mois.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Dixon, C., Joo, J., Davey-Rothwell, M., Choi, N., Gallo, J., Mace, R. A. et Xie, A. (2024). Stress and Coping Among Community-Dwelling Black Older Adults with Depression. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32(4), S54‑S55.
Grant, S. J., Yanguela, J., Odebunmi, O., Grimshaw, A. A., Giri, S. et Wheeler, S. B. (2024). Systematic Review of Interventions Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Cancer Care and Health Outcomes. Journal of Clinical Oncology, JCO.23.01290.
Khemraj, U. et Xie, A. (2024). An Exploration on the Reverberations of Health-Related Social Needs on Loneliness Among Minority Older Adults. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32(4), S116‑S117.
Molewyk Doornbos, M. et Zandee, G. L. (2024). Men’s Depression and Anxiety: Contributing Factors and Barriers to Intervention. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 10783903241226718.
Bouhadj, L., Cuny, D., Chautard, G., Occelli, F., Deram, A. et Lanier, C. (2024). Environmental and social inequalities in health: Neighborhood-level composite indices as a decision-making tool. Environmental Science & Policy, 154, 103696.
Ellenbogen, N. R. et Trivic, Z. (2024). Dynamic place attachment in the context of displacement processes: The socio-ecological model. Cities, 148, 104862.
Plage, S. (2024). The sociology of housing: How homes shape our social lives, edited by Brian J. McCabe and Eva Rosen: Chicago, IL, and London, The University of Chicago Press, 2023. Journal of Urban Affairs, 0(0), 1‑2.
Stress Dynamics in Seoul’s Social Mix Housing based on Housing Prices: Analyzing Discrimination and the Mitigating Role of Social Capital. (2024, 23 février).
Prévention et promotion de la santé
Bickmann, P., Froböse, I. et Grieben, C. (2024). An mHealth Application in German Health Care System: Importance of User Participation in the Development Process. Journal of Medical Systems, 48(1), 20.
Duong, T., Apple, A., Ureste, P., Giurgius, S., Zhong, X. et Jenkins, N. (2024). From the Workplace to Museums: Insights into Improving Wellness for Aging Adults. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32(4, Supplement), S22.
Gan, D. R. Y., Wang, C. et O’Dea, E. (2024). Connectedness, feeling At home, and joyful Play (CAP): A place-based wellness model for cognitive health promotion in the community by the community. Cities & Health, 0(0), 1‑10.
Järvholm, B. et Burdorf, A. (2024). Asbestos and disease – a public health success story? Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 50(2), 53‑60.
Willing, M. M. P., Nevers, J., Nofziger, D., Rogers, T. et Riggs, D. S. (2024). Lessons learned from efforts to prevent behavioral health problems and promote mental wellbeing in the US Military. Mental Health & Prevention, 200330.
Recherche interventionnelle
Brouard-Sala, Q. et Bergel, P. (2024). Participations habitantes dans la revitalisation d’un centre bourg. Une recherche-action de proximité à Caumont-sur-Aure (Calvados). GéoProximitéS, 1(1).
Kingsbury, C., Bissonnette, F. et Bernard, P. (2024). Evaluation of the “Build your bike!” pilot project by and for disadvantaged youth: A school-based intervention to promote active mobilit. Sante publique (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France), 35(6), 7‑16.
Lanni, S., Stone, M., Berger, A. F., Wilson, R. L. H., Wilens, T. E., Philpotts, L. L. et Burke, C. W. (2024). Design, Recruitment, and Implementation of Research Interventions Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Systematic Review. Community Mental Health Journal.
Prokosch, G., Balma, B., LaRose, C., Crandall, M., Ford, M., Perry, M. et O’Brien, J. R. G. (2024). 111. Effectiveness of a Shelter-Based Health Empowerment Program for Pregnant And Parenting Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Mixed-Methods Community-Based Participatory Research Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 74(3), S59.
Traverson, L., Zitti, T., Fillol, A., Ravalihasy, A., Dagenais, C., Hot, A., Bars, G., Minssieux, N. et Ridde, V. (2024). Du courtage de connaissances au sein d’une institution de santé publique française pour réduire les inégalités sociales de santé : un protocole de recherche-action. Revue francophone de recherche sur le transfert et l’utilisation des connaissances, 8(1).
Accès aux soins en santé mentale
Apers, H., Praag, L. V., Nöstlinger, C., & Agyemang, C. (2023). Interventions to improve the mental health or mental well-being of migrants and ethnic minority groups in Europe: A scoping review. Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, 10, e23.
Asnaani, A. (2023). What role can (and should) clinical science play in promoting mental health care equity? American Psychologist, 78(9), 1041‑1054.
Augsberger, A., Carroll, M., Howard, R. C., Ng, G., Maldonado-Reis, T., Amador, A., Morabito, M. S., & Green, J. G. (2023). Youth Mental Health Crisis Response: A Multiple Methods Study to Map Resources and Identify Facilitators and Barriers to Service Access. School Mental Health.
Petrou, C., Jameel, L., Nahabedian, N., & Kane, F. (2023). A call for digital inclusion initiatives in mental health services: An integrative review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 30(5), 911‑941.
Pitcher, C. F., & Browne, A. J. (2023). Equity-oriented care: A path to improving access to adolescent mental health and substance use services? International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
Sadusky, A., Yared, H., Patrick, P., & Berger, E. (2023). A systematic review of client’s perspectives on the cultural and racial awareness and responsiveness of mental health practitioners. Culture & Psychology, 1354067X231156600.
Waller, B. Y., Giusto, A., Tepper, M., Legros, N. C., Sweetland, A. C., Taffy, A., & Wainberg, M. L. (2024). Should We Trust You? Strategies to Improve Access to Mental Healthcare to BIPOC Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Community Mental Health Journal, 60(1), 82‑86.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Abhari, M. B., Sabetrohani, H., Larijani, S. S., Ghafori, R., & Nafei, A. (2024). Social Determinants of Women’s Reproductive Health: A Systematic Review. Health Scope, 13(1).
Bell, K., White, S., Diaz, A., Bahria, P., Sima, F., Al-Delaimy, W. K., dosReis, S., Hassan, O., Drabarek, D., Nisha, M., Baptiste-Roberts, K., Gwiazdon, K., Raynes-Greenow, C., Taylor Wilson, R., Gaudino, J. A., da Silveira Moreira, R., Jennings, B., & Gulliver, P. (2024). Can evidence drive health equity in the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond? Journal of Public Health Policy.
Daniels, B., McGinnis, C., Topaz, L. S., Greenwald, P., Turchioe, M. R., Creber, R. M. M., & Sharma, R. (2024). Bridging the digital health divide—patient experiences with mobile integrated health and facilitated telehealth by community-level indicators of health disparity. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, ocae007.
Fonka, C. B., Christofides, N., & Jewett, S. (2023). Social Determinants of Health: Healthcare managers’ COVID-19 experiences of poor governance, poverty and social media on health interventions. Public Health in Practice, 6, 100440.
Holmen, H., Flølo, T., Tørris, C., Løyland, B., Almendingen, K., Bjørnnes, A. K., Albertini Früh, E., Grov, E. K., Helseth, S., Kvarme, L. G., Malambo, R., Misvær, N., Rasalingam, A., Riiser, K., Sandbekken, I. H., Schippert, A. C., Sparboe-Nilsen, B., Sundar, T. K. B., Sæterstrand, T., … Torbjørnsen, A. (2024). Unpacking the Public Health Triad of Social Inequality in Health, Health Literacy, and Quality of Life—A Scoping Review of Research Characteristics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(1), 36.
Ong, J. C. L., Seng, B. J. J., Law, J. Z. F., Low, L. L., Kwa, A. L. H., Giacomini, K. M., & Ting, D. S. W. (2024). Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, and other large language models for social determinants of health: Current state and future directions. Cell Reports Medicine, 5(1), 101356.
Sabet, F. I., Aminbeidokhti, A., & Jafari, S. (2024). Social determinants of health during and after coronavirus: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 283.
Din, A., & Chen, X. (2024). Leveraging accessibility modeling to improve housing equity for low-income assisted renters: A case study in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Cities, 147, 104763.
Hua, T. (2024). The Relationship Between Homeownership and Well-Being — Based on the Case of Singapore Public Housing. Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, 3(1), 10‑16.
Jensen, T. G. (2024). Extensions: The Embodiment, Spatiality, Materiality, and Sociality of Neighboring in Danish Public Housing. Space and Culture, 12063312231220265.
Shadar, H., & Shach-Pinsly, D. (2024). Maintaining Community Resilience through Urban Renewal Processes Using Architectural and Planning Guidelines. Sustainability, 16(2), 560.
Söderberg, R. (2024). Multiscalar Un-homing: Residents’ Experiences of Interventions for Social Mix. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 14(1), 6.
Zhang, Y., & Luo, F. (2024). Revisiting employer housing: driving forces and provision structures in the industrial society, and trends in the post-industrial society. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment.
Prévention et promotion de la santé mentale
Gómez-García, A. R., Chang, A. H., Valenzuela-Mendieta, R. O., & García-Arroyo, J. A. (2024). Leaving no-one behind in the workplace health promotion: towards regulatory equity in the Ecuadorian micro-enterprises. Journal of Public Health Policy.
Mehiriz, K. (2024). The effects of attitudes, norms, and perceived control on the adaptation of elderly individuals and individuals with chronic health conditions to heatwaves. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 256.
Mosteiro Miguéns, D. G., Rodríguez Fernández, A., Zapata Cachafeiro, M., Vieito Pérez, N., Represas Carrera, F. J., & Novío Mallón, S. (2024). Community Activities in Primary Care: A Literature Review. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 15, 21501319231223362.
Napierala, E., Rencher, B., Solomon, L., & Parker, C. (2024). Can federal policy help overcome systemically reinforced racial inequities in social determinants of health? An observational study of Georgia and neighboring U.S. states. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 304.
Oestman, K., Rechis, R., Williams, P. A., Brown, J. A., Treiman, K., Zulkiewicz, B., Walsh, M. T., Basen-Engquist, K., Rodriguez, T., Chennisi, C., Macneish, A., Neff, A., Pomeroy, M., Bhojani, F. A., & Hawk, E. (2024). Reducing risk for chronic disease: evaluation of a collective community approach to sustainable evidence-based health programming. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 240.
Robert, M., Coenen, M., Bauer, J., Voss, S., & Jung-Sievers, C. (2024). Consented indicators for the evaluation of integrated strategies of community health promotion targeting children and adolescents: results of an eDelphi. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 252.
Tabrizi, J. S., Doshmangir, L., Khoshmaram, N., Shakibazadeh, E., Abdolahi, H. M., & Khabiri, R. (2024). Key factors affecting health promoting behaviors among adolescents: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 24(1), 58.
Recherche interventionnelle
Bowness, B., Henderson, C., Akhter Khan, S. C., Akiba, M., & Lawrence, V. (2024). Participatory research with carers: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Health Expectations, 27(1), e13940.
Githinji, P., Uribe, A. L. M., Seguin-Fowler, R. A., Ayine, P., On, A., Villarreal, D. L., McNeely, A., Szeszulski, J., & Rethorst, C. D. (2024). A qualitative exploration of the health needs and goals of urban women to inform the tailoring and adaptation of Strong Hearts Healthy Communities: a community-based cardiovascular disease prevention intervention. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 296.
Javadizadeh, E., Oudshoorn, A., Letts, L., Barbic, S., Shanoff, C., & Marshall, C. A. (2024). Participatory Research with Persons who Experience Mental Illness in Occupational Therapy: A Scoping Review. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 00084174231212760.
Korom, B., Malloy, M., Remmers, C., Welsch, E., Cevilla, M., Alamillo-Roman, Z., Torres, D., Dione, K., & Nelson, D. (2024). “It Takes a Village”: Reflections from participants after a Hispanic community-based health promotion program. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 237.
Longworth, G. R., Erikowa-Orighoye, O., Anieto, E. M., Agnello, D. M., Zapata-Restrepo, J. R., Masquillier, C., & Giné-Garriga, M. (2024). Conducting co-creation for public health in low and middle-income countries: a systematic review and key informant perspectives on implementation barriers and facilitators. Globalization and Health, 20(1), 9.
Moon, J., Webster, C. A., Mulvey, K. L., Brian, A., Stodden, D. F., Egan, C. A., Ha, T., Merica, C. B., & Beets, M. W. (2024). Physical activity interventions to increase children’s social and emotional learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis based on the comprehensive school physical activity programme framework. Review of Education, 12(1), e3455.
Vazquez Corona, M., Hazfiarini, A., Vaughan, C., Block, K., & Bohren, M. A. (2024). Participatory Health Research With Women From Refugee, Asylum-Seeker, and Migrant Backgrounds Living in High-Income Countries: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23, 16094069231225371.
Pauvreté en milieu rural
Arriola, K. J., Merken, T. M., Bigger, L., Haardörfer, R., Hermstad, A., Owolabi, S., Daniel, J., & Kegler, M. (2024). Understanding the relationship between social capital, health, and well-being in a southern rural population. The Journal of Rural Health, 40(1), 162‑172.
Connor, D. S., Hunter, L., Jang, J., & Uhl, J. H. (2023). Family, community, and the rural social mobility advantage. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 87, 100844.
Hoseinian Rad, A., Beyranvandzadeh, M., & Darvishi, H. (2023). Examining the role of good rural governance in the physical development of villages Case example: Khorramabad city. Geography and Human Relationships, 6(2), 590‑609.
Lemont, B., Puro, N., Franz, B., & Cronin, C. E. (2023). Efforts by critical access hospitals to increase health equity through greater engagement with social determinants of health. The Journal of Rural Health, 39(4), 728‑736.
MacDougall, H., Mork, D., Hanson, S., & Smith, C. H. (2024). Rural-urban differences in health care unaffordability. The Journal of Rural Health.
Mills, C. A., Yeager, V. A., Unroe, K. T., Holmes, A., & Blackburn, J. (2023). The impact of rural general hospital closures on communities—A systematic review of the literature. The Journal of Rural Health.
Sood, R., Entenman, J., Kitt-Lewis, E., Lennon, R. P., Pinto, C. N., & Moss, J. L. (2024). We are all in this together: Rurality, Social cohesion, and COVID-19 prevention behaviors. The Journal of Rural Health, 40(1), 154‑161.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Ashcraft, L. E., Cabrera, K. I., Lane-Fall, M. B., & South, E. C. (2024). Leveraging Implementation Science to Advance Environmental Justice Research and Achieve Health Equity through Neighborhood and Policy Interventions. Annual Review of Public Health, 45(1).
Bhoothookngoen, P., & Sanchan, N. (2023). Predictive Modeling of Non-Communicable Diseases Using Social Determinants of Health as Features: A Review of Existing Approaches. Srinakharinwirot University Engineering Journal, 19(1), 79‑88.
Bloy, G., & Rigal, L. (2023). Des gradients sociaux dans la dispensation des soins, et après ? Usages cliniques, dilemmes éthiques et réflexivité sociologique. Revue française d’éthique appliquée, 14(1), 63‑77.
Kannappan, A., Batchelor, E., Carmona, H., Tatem, G., & Adamson, R. (2023). Discussing and Teaching About Race and Health Inequities. CHEST.
Koslouski, J. B., Chafouleas, S. M., Briesch, A. M., Caemmerer, J. M., Perry, H. Y., Oas, J., Xiong, S. S., & Charamut, N. R. (2023). School-Based Screening of Social Determinants of Health: A Scoping Review. School Mental Health.
Murillo, C. L., Díaz, D. A., Tamanna, N., Worthy, K., & Jenerette, C. (2023). Social Determinants of Health in Graduate Nursing Simulation Education: An Integrative Review. Nurse Educator,
Serrano-Gallardo, P., Mas-Giralt, R., Castellani, S., & Juarez, S. P. (2024). Advancing migration and health research by examining return migration. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
Cheddadi, M. A., & Rifki, H. (2024). Moroccan Sociocultural Practices of Space: Coping with Marginalization in Bidonvilles and Social Housing. International Journal of Islamic Architecture. Intellect.
Jahiu, L. (2023). Social housing stigma in Toronto: Identifying asymmetries between stereotypes and statistical actualities of health, crime, and human capital. Canadian Geographies / Géographies Canadiennes.
Langdon, N., Wilton, R., & Newbold, K. B. (2023). The influence of disability-related dwelling adaptations on household dwelling satisfaction. Housing and Society, 1‑21.
Layseca, M. (2023). The power of House + Home: exploring a capabilities approach to housing and prosperity in Kenya. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment.
Minion, L., & Banerjee, A. (2024). “I can feel the money going out of the window”: How high energy prices evoke negative emotions in people with previous experience of homelessness. Energy Research & Social Science, 108, 103387.
Resta, G., & Dicuonzo, F. (2023). Playgrounds as meeting places: Post-war experimentations and contemporary perspectives on the design of in-between areas in residential complexes. Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios, (47).
Wilson, Y., & Fijalkow, Y. (2023). The heating of buildings and the mental health of their inhabit-ants: five buildings in Paris. Journal of Urban Design and Mental Health, 8(1).
Promotion et prévention de la santé
Junker, M., Böhm, M., & Krcmar, H. (2024). Advantages and disadvantages of mobile applications for workplace health promotion: A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 19(1), e0296212.
Aschentrup, L., Steimer, P. A., Dadaczynski, K., Mc Call, T., Fischer, F., & Wrona, K. J. (2024). Effectiveness of gamified digital interventions in mental health prevention and health promotion among adults: a scoping review. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 69.
Jalali, A., Ziapour, A., Ezzati, E., Kazemi, S., & Kazeminia, M. (2023). The Impact of Training Based on the Pender Health Promotion Model on Self-Efficacy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Health Promotion.
Nazifah, S., & Mulyono, S. (2023). Digital Storytelling as a Media for Health Promotion in School Children. Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari, 7(1), 217‑223.
Pearson, T. A., Vitalis, D., Pratt, C., Campo, R., Armoundas, A. A., Au, D., Beech, B., Brazhnik, O., Chute, C. G., Davidson, K. W., Diez, -Roux Ana V., Fine, L. J., Gabriel, D., Groenveld, P., Hall, J., Hamilton, A. B., Hu, H., Ji, H., Kind, A., … Goff, D. (2024). The Science of Precision Prevention: Research Opportunities and Clinical Applications to Reduce Cardiovascular Health Disparities. JACC: Advances, 3(1), 100759.
Weber, P., Birkholz, L., Straub, R., Kohler, S., Helsper, N., Dippon, L., Pfeifer, K., Rütten, A., & Semrau, J. (2024). The Limitations and Potentials of Evaluating Economic Aspects of Community-Based Health Promotion: A Critical Review. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy.
Recherche interventionnelle
Ballon, J. (2023). Récit d’une recherche-action participative avec trois coopératives : une démarche scientifique et transformative. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 14(2), 23 pp-23 pp.
Guan, A., Cruz, T., Sowell, J., Mattias, B., Shah, A., Hassberg, A. H., Shariff-Marco, S., Akom, A., & DeRouen, M. C. (2023). Combining Mixed Methods and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches to Identify Neighborhood-Level Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Mixed Methods Research.
Milde, N., Schmidt, D. C., Larsen, A., & Kessel, L. (2024). Which rehabilitation initiatives can effectively improve participation in an educational setting for visually impaired and blind adolescents? A systematic review. BMC Ophthalmology, 24(1), 10.
Nanchen, B., Rullac, S., Fragnière, E., Sandoz, S., & Weissbrodt, R. (2023). Innover avec et pour les personnes en situation de handicap. Alter. European Journal of Disability Research, (17‑4), 69‑84.
Rubio, E., & Allen, O. (2023). Older adult volunteer and peer educator experiences collaborating on intervention research. Innovation in Aging, 7(Suppl 1), 407.
Sapio, G. (2023). Une application Web pour sortir des violences conjugales. Retour sur les enjeux d’une recherche-action en sciences de l’information et de la communication. Communication. Information médias théories pratiques, (vol. 40/2).
Skovlund, P. C., Finderup, J., Aabo, S., Jensen, F., Søndergaard, H., & Rodkjær, L. Ø. (2024). Recommendations for successful involvement of patient partners in complex intervention research: a collaborative learning process. Research Involvement and Engagement, 10(1), 3.
Participation citoyenne
Bartocci, L., Grossi, G., Mauro, S. G., & Ebdon, C. (2023). La trajectoire de la budgétisation participative : analyse documentaire systématique et orientations futures de la recherche. Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, 89(3), 369‑386.
Bonaccorsi, G., Milani, C., Giorgetti, D., Setola, N., Naldi, E., Manzi, F., Del Riccio, M., Dellisanti, C., & Lorini, C. (2023). Impact of Built Environment and Neighborhood on Promoting Mental Health, Well-being, and Social Participation in Older People: an Umbrella Review. Annali Di Igiene: Medicina Preventiva E Di Comunita, 35(2), 213‑239.
Giraldo Gutiérrez, F. L., De Jesús Toro Ríos, H., Perlaza Lopera, C., & Mejía Upegui, J. E. (2023). Citizen Laboratories as Scenarios of Cultural and Political Democratization. Social Sciences, 12(10), 548.
Gupta, P., Rouffy-Ly, B., Rohrer-Herold, K., Koch, K., Rao, N., Poulussen, C., Brearley, L., Abou-Taleb, H., & Rajan, D. (2023). Assessing the interactions of people and policy-makers in social participation for health: an inventory of participatory governance measures from a rapid systematic literature review. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22(1), 240.
Nguyen, T. H. T., & Levasseur, M. (2023). How Does Community-Based Housing Foster Social Participation in Older Adults: Importance of Well-Designed Common Space, Proximity to Resources, Flexible Rules and Policies, and Benevolent Communities. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 66(1), 103‑133.
Zhang, Y., You, C., Pundir, P., & Meijering, L. (2023). Migrants’ community participation and social integration in urban areas: A scoping review. Cities, 141, 104447.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Blasco-Palau, G., Prades-Serrano, J., & González-Chordá, V. M. (2023). Socioeconomic Inequalities as a Cause of Health Inequities in Spain: A Scoping Review. Healthcare, 11(23), 3035.
Francis, I., & Buscemi, C. (2023). The Invisible Minority: Stigma and Sexual and Gender Diversity in Health Care. Creative Nursing.
Frank, J., Mustard, C., Smith, P., Siddiqi, A., Cheng, Y., Burdorf, A., & Rugulies, R. (2023). Work as a social determinant of health in high-income countries: past, present, and future. The Lancet, 402(10410), 1357‑1367.
Leonard, C. (2023). The sociology of global health: Inequality, disease-related stigma, and the rise of nongovernmental organizations. Sociology Compass, e13176.
McNeill, E., Lindenfeld, Z., Mostafa, L., Zein, D., Silver, D., Pagán, J., Weeks, W. B., Aerts, A., Des Rosiers, S., Boch, J., & Chang, J. E. (2023). Uses of Social Determinants of Health Data to Address Cardiovascular Disease and Health Equity: A Scoping Review. Journal of the American Heart Association, 12(21), e030571.
Mori, K., & Onyango, E. (2023). Intersections of race, COVID-19 pandemic, and food security in Black identifying Canadian households: A scoping review. Canadian Food Studies / La Revue Canadienne Des Études Sur l’alimentation, 10(3), 3‑34.
Wood, A. C. H., & Pratt, K. (2023). School-based health: an area of opportunity to address challenges in management of pediatric obesity and type 2 diabetes. Current Opinion in Pediatrics,
Aclan, R., George, S., Block, H., Lane, R., & Laver, K. (2023). Middle aged and older adult’s perspectives of their own home environment: a review of qualitative studies and meta-synthesis. BMC Geriatrics, 23(1), 707.
Caxaj, C. S., Weiler, A. M., & Martyniuk, J. (2023). Housing Conditions and Health Implications for Migrant Agricultural Workers in Canada: A Scoping Review. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 08445621231203086.
Domènech-Arumí, G. (2023). The impact of housing policy on housing inequality. OCDE.
Keene, D. E., & Blankenship, K. M. (2023). The Affordable Rental Housing Crisis and Population Health Equity: a Multidimensional and Multilevel Framework. Journal of Urban Health.
Keller, S. A., Lim, S., Buckingham, W. R., & Kind, A. J. H. (2023). Life Course Assessment of Area-Based Social Disadvantage: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(21), 6982.
Rebecchi, A., Gola, M., Riva, A., & Capolongo, S. (2023). Can housing conditions and features affect well-being? A review through Indoor Environmental Quality aspects and Mental Health implications. European Journal of Public Health, 33, ckad160.715.
Uyttebrouck, C., De Decker, P., & Newton, C. (2023). Living and working in the (post-pandemic) city: a research agenda. Housing Studies, 1‑23.
Promotion et prévention de la santé
Bell, S. de, Alejandre, J. C., Menzel, C., Sousa-Silva, R., Straka, T. M., Berzborn, S., Bürck-Gemassmer, M., Dallimer, M., Dayson, C., Fisher, J. C., Haywood, A., Herrmann, A., Immich, G., Keßler, C. S., Köhler, K., Lynch, M., Marx, V., Michalsen, A., Mudu, P., … Bonn, A. (2023). Nature-based social prescribing programmes: opportunities, challenges, and facilitators for implementation. medRxiv.
Bezzina, A., Clarke, E. D., Ashton, L., Watson, T., & James, C. L. (2023). Workplace Health Promotion Programs Targeting Smoking, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity in Men: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Health Education & Behavior.
Carrillo-Alvarez, E., Rodríguez-Monforte, M., Fernández-Jané, C., Solà-Madurell, M., Kozakiewicz, M., Głowacka, M., Leclère, M., Nimani, E., Hoxha, A., Hirvonen, A., Järvinen, S., van der Velde, M., van Scherpenseel, M., Lopes, A. A., Santos, H., Guimarães, I., Handgraaf, M., & Grüneberg, C. (2023). Professional competences to promote healthy ageing across the lifespan: a scoping review. European Journal of Ageing, 20(1), 45.
Cooley-Strickland, M., Wyatt, G. E., Loeb, T. B., Nicholas, L. A., Smith-Clapham, A., Hamman, A., Abraham, M., Scott, E. N., & Albarran, G. (2023). Need for Sexual, Reproductive, and Mental Health Promotion Among Diverse College Students in a COVID-19 Era. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 26(4), 1077‑1096.
Ezeilo, C. O., Leon, N., Jajodia, A., & Han, H.-R. (2023). Use of Social Media for Health Advocacy for Digital Communities: Descriptive Study. JMIR Formative Research, 7(1), e51752.
Turcotte, S., Bouchard, C., Rousseau, J., DeBroux Leduc, R., Bier, N., Kairy, D., Dang-Vu, T. T., Sarimanukoglu, K., Dubé, F., Bourgeois Racine, C., Rioux, C., Shea, C., & Filiatrault, J. (2023). Factors influencing older adults’ participation in telehealth interventions for primary prevention and health promotion: A rapid review. Australasian Journal on Ageing.
Verhees, M. J. M., Engbers, R., Landstra, A. M., Bremer, A. E., Pol, M. van de, Laan, R. F. J. M., & Assendelft, W. J. J. (2023). Workplace-based learning about health promotion in individual patient care: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 13(11), e075657.
Recherche interventionnelle
Joseph, N., Burn, A.-M., & Anderson, J. (2023). The impact of community engagement as a public health intervention to support the mental well-being of single mothers and children living under housing insecure conditions – a rapid literature review. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1866.
Kaapu, K., McKinley, C. E., & Barks, L. (2023). Is Self-Care Sustainable Without Structural Support? A Systematic Review of Self-Care Interventions. Research on Social Work Practice.
Ng, C. G., Ting, S. Q., Saifi, R. A., & Kamarulzaman, A. B. (2023). Ethical Issues in Photovoice Studies involving Key Populations: A Scoping Review. Asian Bioethics Review.
Nieweglowski, K., Sheehan, L., & Deshpande, A. (2023). A systematic review of community-based participatory research studies involving individuals with mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal.
Rukspollmuang, C., Reynolds, J., & Chansema, P. (2023). Learning for Sustainability Action Model: Lessons Learnt from Community Living Labs. Dans A. W. Wiseman (dir.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2022 (vol. 46B, p. 49‑71). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Vining, R., & Finn, M. (2023). Why and how is photovoice used as a decolonising method for health research with Indigenous communities in the United States and Canada? A scoping review. Nursing Inquiry, e12605.
Wang, G., Chang, F., Gu, Z., Kasraian, D., & Wesemael, P. J. V. (2023). Designing community-level integral interventions for active ageing: a systematic review from the lens of community-based participatory research. BMC Public Health.
Hausse du coût de la vie et inégalités sociales
Backhaus, I., Hoven, H., Tecco, C. D., Iavicoli, S., Conte, A., & Dragano, N. (2022). Economic change and population health: lessons learnt from an umbrella review on the Great Recession. BMJ Open,12(4), e060710.
Banks, J., Karjalainen, H., & Propper, C. (2020). Recessions and Health: The Long-Term Health Consequences of Responses to the Coronavirus*. Fiscal Studies, 41(2), 337‑344.
Broadbent, P., Thomson, R., Kopasker, D., McCartney, G., Meier, P., Richiardi, M., McKee, M., & Katikireddi, S. V. (2023). The public health implications of the cost-of-living crisis: outlining mechanisms and modelling consequences. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, 27.
Chakravorty, T. (2022). The Impact of Financial Crises on Mental Health: Review. The Physician, 7(3), 1‑8.
England, C., Jarrom, D., Washington, J., Hasler, E., Batten, L., Lewis, R., Edwards, R. T., Davies, J., Collins, B., Cooper, A., & Edwards, A. (2023). Measuring Mental Health in a Cost-of-Living Crisis: a rapid review. medRxiv.
Giebel, C., & Heath, B. (2023). A 3-UK-nation survey on dementia and the cost of living crisis: contributions of gender and ethnicity on struggling to pay for social care. Aging & Mental Health, 27(12), 2368‑2376.
Reeves, A., Loopstra, R., & Stuckler, D. (2017). The growing disconnect between food prices and wages in Europe: cross-national analysis of food deprivation and welfare regimes in twenty-one EU countries, 2004–2012. Public Health Nutrition, 20(8), 1414‑1422.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Cesare, N., Lines, L. M., Chandler, R., Gibson, E., Vickers-Smith, R., Jackson, R., Bazzi, A. R., Goddard-Eckrich, D., Sabounchi, N., Chisolm, D., Vandergrift, N., & Oga, E. (2023). Development and validation of a community-level social determinants of health index for drug overdose deaths in the HEALing Communities Study. Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 209186.
Desmeules-Trudel, F., Jakubiec, B. A. E., Maclennan, E., Manuel, G., Pang, C., Rodomar, N., & Seida, K. (2023). Social determinants of mental health and care access among 2SLGBTQI people: Highlights from community-engaged research. Canadian Psychology / Psychologie canadienne, 64(3), 189‑199.
Kim, Y., Lee, H., Lee, H., Lee, M., Kim, S., & Konlan, K. D. (2023). Social determinants of health of racial and ethnic minority adolescents: An integrative literature review. Heliyon, 9(10), e20738.
Lines, L. M., Long, M. C., Zangeneh, S., DePriest, K., Piontak, J., Humphrey, J., & Subramanian, S. (2023). Composite Indices of Social Determinants of Health: Overview, Measurement Gaps, and Research Priorities for Health Equity. Population Health Management, 26(5), 332‑340.
Liu, C.-C., McIntire, E., Ling, J., Sullivan, K., Ng, T., Kaur, L., & Sender, J. (2023). Teaching Social Determinants of Health in Nursing Programs: An Integrative Review of Strategies and Effectiveness. Nurse Educator.
Novilla, M. L. B., Goates, M. C., Leffler, T., Novilla, N. K. B., Wu, C.-Y., Dall, A., & Hansen, C. (2023). Integrating Social Care into Healthcare: A Review on Applying the Social Determinants of Health in Clinical Settings. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(19), 6873.
Wilkinson, A., Muhajir, K., Bailey-Brown, P., Jones, A., & Schiff, R. (2023). Filling in the gaps: examining the prevalence of Black homelessness in Canada. Housing, Care and Support.
Azzopardi, A., & Farrugia, M. (2023). Social Housing and its Bearing on the Tenants’ Social Mobility. Humanities and Social Science Research, 6(3).
Buckingham, S., Tu, G., Elliott, L., Poole, R., Walker, T., Bland, E., & Morrissey, K. (2023). Digital competence and psychological wellbeing in a social housing community: a repeated survey study. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 2002.
Carrasco, S., Dangol, N., & Faleh, M. (2023). Rethinking social networks in responding to COVID-19: The case of African migrants in Melbourne’s Public Housing. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 98, 104073.
Dej, E., Ecker, J., & Martino, N. (2023). Barriers to accessing social housing programs in Canada. Housing Studies, 1‑22.
Juvenius, J. (2023). Well-Behaved Owners and Troublesome Tenants? How Dense Social Mixing Shapes Housing Communities and Dispels Prejudices. Housing, Theory and Society, 1‑17.
Kern, A. P., Netto, V. de M., Cantarino, J., Mendonça, M. F. de, Schneck, E., Pires, J., & González, M. A. S. (2023). Urban, Environmental and Habitability Parameters for Social Housing. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 17(10), e03617‑e03617.
Moret, A. (2023). La banalisation du modèle résidentiel fermé et sécurisé. Le cas du logement social au Brésil. Espaces et sociétés, 189(2), 177‑194.
Promotion et prévention de la santé
Andersen, L. L. (2024). Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention at the Workplace. Annual Review of Public Health, 45(1), Advance online publication.
Bellizzi, S., & Severoni, S. (2023). Refugees and migrants at the heart of the synergies between universal health coverage, health security, and health promotion. Journal of Travel Medicine, taad137.
Cheng, C., & Ebrahimi, O. V. (2023). Gamification: a Novel Approach to Mental Health Promotion. Current Psychiatry Reports.
Gonzalez-Aquines, A., Bingham, D. D., & Kiilu, E. M. (2023). Types and outcomes of health promotion interventions led by public health students: a scoping review. medRxiv.
Milanti, A., Chan, D. N. S., Parut, A. A., & So, W. K. W. (2023). Determinants and outcomes of eHealth literacy in healthy adults: A systematic review. PLOS ONE, 18(10), e0291229.
Schier, H. E., Chetty, K. S., Garrity, K., Westrick, M., Copeland, K. A., Miller, A. et Gunther, C. (2023). A narrative review of clinic–community food provision interventions aimed at improving diabetes outcomes among food-insecure adults: examining the role of nutrition education. Nutrition Reviews, nuad125.
Schmidt, S., Andersch-Rupprecht, C., Dengler, T. et Nagel, E. (2023). On the Effectiveness of Digital Workplace Health Promotion in Times of Home Office: A Systematic Review. Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)).
Recherche interventionnelle
Bretagne, G., Hidalgo, J., Haouès-Jouve, S., Dumas, G., Debrye, L., Hanna, A., & Masson, V. (2023). Enjeux de l’adaptation à la chaleur en ville et action publique : apports de l’interdisciplinarité et de la recherche-action – Cas de la métropole toulousaine. Climatologie, 20, 7.
Carbonneau, H., Clapperton, P., Caouette, M., Poulin, V., Aubin, G., Marcoux, L., Fortier, J., Marier, P., Therriault, P.-Y., Beaulieu, M., Lebeau, É., Lemay-Crilly, K., & Ferdais, E. (2023). Participation sociale des aînés faisant face à des dynamiques de marginalisation et d’exclusion : étude de cas auprès de divers acteurs du milieu communautaire de loisir. Leisure/Loisir, 1‑21.
Carrasco, S., Dangol, N., & Faleh, M. (2023). Rethinking social networks in responding to COVID-19: The case of African migrants in Melbourne’s Public Housing. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 98, 104073.
Fernandes, N., & Pereira, M. J. (2023). Change the Mood! Participatory Action Research With Children Affected by Community Deprivation. Dans M. Roth, R. Alfandari et G. Crous (dir.), Participatory Research on Child Maltreatment with Children and Adult Survivors (p. 181‑195). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Hayman, J., Moore-Wilson, H., Vavra, C., Wormington, D., Presley, J., Jauregui-Dusseau, A., Clyma, K. R., & Jernigan, V. B. B. (2023). The Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity: The Osage Nation’s Mobile Market. Health Promotion Practice, 24(6), 1105‑1108.
Hoornbeek, J., Chiyaka, E. T., Lanese, B., Vreeland, A., & Filla, J. (2023). Financing community partnerships for health equity: Findings and insights from cross-sector professionals. Health Services Research.
Kim, M. (2023). Exploring the Initial Period of Settlement Among Immigrant Women Experiencing Intersectional Barriers in Toronto Through a Photovoice Project [thesis].
Enjeux des personnes en situation de handicap
Fuentes, K., Hsu, S., Patel, S., & Lindsay, S. (2023). More than just double discrimination: a scoping review of the experiences and impact of ableism and racism in employment. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1‑22.
Gonzalez Bohorquez, N., Stafford, L., McPhail, S. M., Selim, S. M., Kularatna, S., & Malatzky, C. (2023). Disability, equity, and measurements of livability: A scoping review. Disability and Health Journal, 101521.
Guthrie, E. et Charon, R. (2023). Disability and narrative medicine: Challenges and opportunities. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.
Lancaster, K., Bhopti, A., Kern, M. L., Taylor, R., Janson, A., & Harding, K. (2023). Effectiveness of peer support programmes for improving well-being and quality of life in parents/carers of children with disability or chronic illness: A systematic review. Child: Care, Health and Development, 49(3), 485‑496.
Selanon, P., & Chuangchai, W. (2023). The Importance of Urban Green Spaces in Enhancing Holistic Health and Sustainable Well-Being for People with Disabilities: A Narrative Review. Buildings, 13(8), 2100.
Strnadová, I., Danker, J., Dowse, L., & Tso, M. (2023). Supporting students with disability to improve academic, social and emotional, and self-determination and life-skills outcomes: umbrella review of evidence-based practices. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1‑17.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Caicedo, N. M. A., Parry, E., Arslan, N. et Park, S. (2023). Integration of social determinants of health information within the primary care electronic health record: a systematic review of patient perspectives and experiences. BJGP Open.
Dickson, C. A., Ergun-Longmire, B., Greydanus, D. E., Eke, R., Giedeman, B., Nickson, N. M., Hoang, L.-N., Adabanya, U., Payares, D. V. P., Chahin, S., McCrary, J., White, K., Moon, J. H., Haitova, N., Deleon, J. et Apple, R. W. (2023). Health equity in pediatrics: Current concepts for the care of children in the 21st century (Dis Mon). Disease-a-Month, 101631.
Patel, I., & Dev, A. (2023) What is prenatal stress? A scoping review of how prenatal stress is defined and measured within the context of food insecurity, housing instability, and immigration in the United States. Women’s Health, 19.
Syrnioti, G., Eden, C. M., Johnson, J. A., Alston, C., Syrnioti, A. et Newman, L. A. (2023). Social Determinants of Cancer Disparities. Annals of Surgical Oncology.
Trentin, M., Rubini, E., Bahattab, A., Loddo, M., Della Corte, F., Ragazzoni, L. et Valente, M. (2023). Vulnerability of migrant women during disasters: a scoping review of the literature. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22(1), 135.
Wallerich, L., Fillol, A., Rivadeneyra, A., Vandentorren, S., Wittwer, J. et Cambon, L. (2023). Environment and child well-being: A scoping review of reviews to guide policies. Health Promotion Perspectives, 13(3), 168‑182.
Bao, H. X. H. (2023, 20 août). Racial and Gender Discrimination in the Housing Market: A Review [SSRN Scholarly Paper].
Douglas, J., Winkler, D., Oliver, S., Liddicoat, S. et D’Cruz, K. (2023). Moving into new housing designed for people with disability: preliminary evaluation of outcomes. Disability and Rehabilitation, 45(8), 1370‑1378.
Kongats, K., Paulden, M., Pabayo, R., Campbell, S. et Nykiforuk, C. I. J. (2023). Housing for vulnerable populations—identifying system cost implications: an analytic literature review. Health Promotion International, 38(3), daad055.
Lindsay, S., Ragunathan, S., Fuentes, K. et Li, Y. (2023). Barriers and facilitators to obtaining accessible housing among children, youth and young adults with disabilities and their families: a scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 0(0), 1‑20.
Mansoor, N., Anuar, A., Mahdzir, A. et Md, N. (2023). Enhancing Disaster Resilience: Overview of Resilient Housing. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13, 2222‑6990.
McClatchey, R., McClymont, K., Griffin, E. et Carmichael, L. (2023). Community led housing, health and wellbeing: a comprehensive literature review. International Journal of Housing Policy, 1‑38.
Promotion et prévention de la santé
Amiruddin, R., Moedjiono, A. I., Hadju, V., & Salmah, U. (2023). Effectiveness of Health Education for Teenagers in the Digital Era: A Review. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 19(5), 399-406.
Birgel, V., Decker, L., Röding, D., & Walter, U. (2023). Community capacity for prevention and health promotion: a scoping review on underlying domains and assessment methods. Systematic Reviews, 12(1), 147.
Carrillo-González, A. & Cantor-Cutiva, L. C. (2023). Workplace health promotion programs among health workers: a systematic literature review. Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública, 41(3),
Jenkins, C. L., Sykes, S., & Wills, J. (2023). The conceptualization and development of critical health literacy in children: a scoping review. Health Promotion International, 38(5),
Laird, Y., Marks, L., Smith, B. J., Walker, P., Garvey, K., Jose, K., O’Rourke, S., Pontifex, K., Wardle, K. et Rowbotham, S. (2023). Harnessing citizen science in health promotion: perspectives of policy and practice stakeholders in Australia. Health Promotion International, 38(5), daad101.
Oepen, R. & Gruber, H. (2023). Art-based interventions and art therapy to promote health of migrant populations – a systematic literature review of current research. Arts & Health, 1‑19.
Prowse, R., Lawlor, N., Powell, R. & Neumann, E.-M. (2023). Creating healthy food environments in recreation and sport settings using choice architecture: a scoping review. Health Promotion International, 38(5),
Recherche interventionnelle
Lamouroux-Delay, A., Casanova, C., Redmond, N. M., Clastres, N., Rotily, M., Dordonne, M., Journet, P., Laffont, C., Laffont, E., Linon, C., Netens, B., Witkowski, V., & Durand, M.-A. (2023). Acceptabilité d’une intervention : exemple de participation des publics en recherche interventionnelle en santé publique. Santé Publique, 35(2), 159‑170.
MacLeod, A., Levesque, J., & Ward-Griffin, C. (2023). Social Isolation of Older Adults, Family, and Formal Caregivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories and Solutions Through Participatory Action Research. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement, 1‑14.
Martin, P., Alberti, C., Bourmaud, A., Burgun, A., & De la Rochebrochard, E. (2023). Communauté interactive et participative en ligne, menée avec les pairs, comme outil de promotion de la santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents et jeunes adultes: la recherche-action Sexpairs. Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 71, 101609.
Stich, C., Lakrouf, R., & Moreau, J. (2023). Support Interventions for Young People in Housing Programs: A Rapid Literature Review. Journal of Prevention.
Tang Yan, C., Jin, Y., Chalfin, E., & Sprague Martinez, L. (2023) Interrogation, Negotiation, and Subversion of Power Differentials in Community-Based Participatory Research: A Scoping Review. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action (PCHP).
Teresa, R. M., Valentina, P., Marcello, D. P., Gerardo, A., Cesare, N. M., Roberta, M., Čedomir, Š., Miodrag, S., Luca, R., & Gianfranco, D. (2023). Community-based participatory research to engage disadvantaged communities: Levels of engagement reached and how to increase it. A systematic review. Health Policy, 137, 104905.
Al-Ansari, M., & AlKhaled, S. (2023). Sustainable urban forms in the Arabian Gulf: An evidence-based analysis of Kuwaiti social housing neighborhoods at Jaber Al-Ahmed City. Frontiers in Built Environment, 9.
Amoah, C. (2023). Quality management framework for government social housing construction in South Africa. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 41(6), 217‑236.
Chan, S.-M., Wong, H., Tang, Y.-K., & Li, S.-N. (2023). Social Impact Assessment of Transitional Social Housing and Service Interventions for Low-Income Families: The Case of Hong Kong. Sustainability, 15(15), 12061.
Bech-Danielsen, C., & Stender, M. (2023). Architecture as a Means of Developing Social Exchange: Learning from a Danish Case Study of Refurbishment and Urban Transformation in a Disadvantaged Housing Area. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 17(6).
Pottier, L., Rogay, R., & Loggia, G. (2023). Une recherche-action pour prévenir les risques du vieillissement en HLM. Gérontologie et société, 46(2), 45‑63.
Sluga, A., Bogataj, D., & Drobež, E. (2023). Legal Framework for Social Infrastructure for Social Integration of the Roma and Their Preferences: Case of Slovenia. Laws, 12(4), 67.
Sørvoll, J. (2023a). Tenure Security and Positive Freedom in Social Housing. Tenants’ Subjective Experiences in the Ambiguous Case of Oslo. Housing, Theory and Society, 1‑16.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Alegría, M., Alvarez, K., Cheng, M., & Falgas-Bague, I. (2023). Recent Advances on Social Determinants of Mental Health: Looking Fast Forward. American Journal of Psychiatry, 180(7), 473‑482.
Barakat, C., & Konstantinidis, T. (2023). A Review of the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status Change and Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(13), 6249.
Ferrero, E. M., Yunker, A. G., Cuffe, S., Gautam, S., Mendoza, K., Bhupathiraju, S., & Mattei, J. (2023). Nutrition and Health in the LGBTQ+ Community: a Narrative Review. Advances in Nutrition.
Macias-Konstantopoulos, W. L., Collins, K. A., Diaz, R., Duber, H. C., Edwards, C. D., Hsu, A. P., Ranney, M. L., Riviello, R. J., Wettstein, Z. S., & Sachs, C. J. (2023). Race, Healthcare, and Health Disparities: A Critical Review and Recommendations for Advancing Health Equity. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine: Integrating Emergency Care with Population Health.
McCleary-Gaddy, A. T., & James, D. (2023). A culture of stigmatization: The healthcare of minoritized populations. Dans R. Scales et A. T. McCleary-Gaddy (dir.), Cultural Issues in Healthcare: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities (p. 103‑116). Springer International Publishing.
Ronzani, T. M., Pereira, T. S., Castro, J. B., & Dimenstein, M. (2023). Social Determinants and Drug Dependence: Systematic Review of Literature. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 39.
Tall, J., & Biel, M. (2023). The Effects of Social Determinants of Health on Child and Family Mental Health: Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. Current Psychiatry Reports.
Promotion et prévention de la santé
Botha, J. (2023). Social media as a tool to promote mental health among adolescents: A critical review [thesis, North-West University (South-Africa)].
Cardoso, T., Gorza, M., & Verrier, A. (2023). “The first 1 000 days. Where it all begins” : Understanding environmental impacts in promoting perinatal and infant health. Environnement, Risques & Santé, 22(4), 293‑298.
Kalubi, J., Riglea, T., Weelman, R. J., O’Loughlin, J., & Maximova, K. (2023). Disponibilité des interventions de promotion de la santé dans des écoles secondaires du Québec (Canada) selon le niveau de défavorisation scolaire, 43(7), 356‑365.
Lapointe, A. (2023). Enhancing 2SLGBTQIA+ Student Support Through Practical Professional Development and Structured GSA Programming. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 1‑5.
McNeil-Gauthier, A.-L., Milot, D.-M., & Levasseur, M. (2023). How environments can promote active aging: results from a case study of two municipalities in Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health.
Santos Salas, A., Bablitz, C., Morris, H., Vaughn, L., Bardales, O., Easaw, J., Wildeman, T., Duggleby, W., Salami, B., & Watanabe, S. M. (2023). Améliorer l’accès aux soins palliatifs pour les personnes confrontées à des iniquités socioéconomiques : conclusions d’une étude pilote de recherche communautaire. Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada, 43(8), 407‑417.
Tézier, B., Lucas, Q., Johnson, S., Vuillemin, A., Lemonnier, F., Rostan, F., Guillemin, F., & Van Hoye, A. (2023). A RE-AIM framework analysis of a sports club health promotion MOOC: the PROSCeSS MOOC. Health Promotion International, 38(4).
Recherche interventionnelle
Amboulé-Abath, A., Boily, É., Aubé, K., Hauchecorne, C., Desrosiers, G., Gobeil, P.-L., Gagnon, J., & L’Italien, C. (2023). Création d’un centre de ressources sociocommunautaires pour soutenir le Partenariat-École-Famille-Communauté (P-E-F-C) au Bas-Saguenay : une recherche-action. Revue hybride de l’éducation, 7(2), 86‑110.
Dedyukina, L. (2023, 16 août). Community Food Security and Wellbeing: Evaluation of the Nutrition North Canada Cooking Circle Program in Paulatuk, NWT [thesis, Université d’Ottawa].
Dubois, A.-C., Aujoulat, I., Boland, M., & Lahaye, M. (2023). Co-construction et évaluation d’ateliers de soutien pour les parents-aidants en pédiatrie : une recherche-action participative. Education Thérapeutique du Patient – Therapeutic Patient Education, 15(1), 10203.
Flike, K., Means, R. H., Chou, J., Shi, L., & Hayman, L. L. (2023). Bridges to Elders: A Program to Improve Outcomes for Older Women Experiencing Homelessness. Health Promotion Practice, 15248399231192992.
Lau, A. S., Huey, S. J., & Baumann, A. A. (2023). Advances in the adaptation and implementation of evidence-based interventions for historically marginalized groups. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 168, 104377.
Schlegel, E. C., Pickler, R. H., Tate, J. A., Williams, K. P., & Smith, L. H. (2023). The EMeRGE theory of emerging adult-aged women’s sexual and reproductive health self-management: A grounded theory study. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Protection de la jeunesse
Bouchard, J. (2022). Entre méfiance et mobilisation : relation thérapeutique en contexte d’intervention pour négligence en protection de la jeunesse [masters, Université du Québec en Outaouais].
Cyr, K., Chamberland, C., Clément, M.-È. et Lessard, G. (2014). Victimisation : réalité préoccupante pour les jeunes pris en charge par la DPJ. Criminologie, 47(1), 187‑211.
Demers, L. (2009). Le système de protection au Québec : l’organisation des services en soutien aux enfants en difficulté et à leur famille. Santé, Société et Solidarité, 8(1), 81‑89.
Denecheau, B. (2023). La Protection judiciaire de la jeunesse face à la scolarité des mineur·e·s sous main de justice. Un travail intermittent sur une question marginalisée. Agora débats/jeunesses, 93(1), 7‑22.
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Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Bower, M., Lauria, E., Green, O., Smout, S., Boyle, J., Donohoe-Bales, A., Dingle, G., Barrett, E., Smith, E. F., Gournay, K. et Teesson, M. (2023). The Social Determinants of Loneliness During COVID-19: Personal, Community, and Societal Predictors and Implications for Treatment. Behaviour Change, 40(1), 1‑10.
Brown, J., Acey, C. S., Anthonj, C., Barrington, D. J., Beal, C. D., Capone, D., Cumming, O., Fedinick, K. P., Gibson, J. M., Hicks, B., Kozubik, M., Lakatosova, N., Linden, K. G., Love, N. G., Mattos, K. J., Murphy, H. M. et Winkler, I. T. (2023). The effects of racism, social exclusion, and discrimination on achieving universal safe water and sanitation in high-income countries. The Lancet Global Health, 11(4), e606‑e614.
Eyraud, C., Collin, C., Alberti, C., Dumas, A., Martin, P. et Le Roux, E. (2023). P162 – La consommation de substances psychoactives chez les jeunes NEET (« Not in Employment, Education or Training ») et ses facteurs de risques associés: revue systématique de la littérature. Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 71, 101815.
Huggard, L., Murphy, R., O’Connor, C. et Nearchou, F. (2023). The Social Determinants of Mental Illness: A Rapid Review of Systematic Reviews. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 0(0), 1‑11.
Mulliri, A., Gardy, J., Dejardin, O., Bouvier, V., Pocard, M. et Alves, A. (2023a). Les inégalités sociales de santé : quelle influence sur l’histoire naturelle du cancer colorectal ? Journal de Chirurgie Viscérale.
Spruill, T. M., Muntner, P., Popp, C. J., Shimbo, D., Cooper, L. A., Moran, A. E., Penko, J., Bibbins-Domingo, K., Ibe, C., Nnodim Opara, I., Howard, G., Bellows, B. K., Spoer, B. R., Ravenell, J., Cherrington, A. L., Levy, P., Commodore-Mensah, Y., Juraschek, S. P., Molello, N., … Ogedegbe, G. (2023). AddREssing Social Determinants TO pRevent hypErtension (The RESTORE Network): Overview of the Health Equity Research Network to Prevent Hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension, 36(5), 232‑239.
Bhat, A. C. et Fenelon, A. (2023). 414 Housing and Environmental Exposures: A Systematic Literature Review on Research and Policy Implications. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 7(1), 123‑124.
Carpenter, C., Augst, T., Fierke-Gmazel, H., Neumann, B. et Wooten, R. (2023). Pursuing Antiracist Public Policy Education: An Example Connecting the Racist History of Housing Policy to Contemporary Inequity. The Journal of Extension, 61(1).
Daniel, L., Baker, E., Beer, A. et Bentley, R. (2023). Australian rental housing standards: institutional shifts to reprioritize the housing–health nexus. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 10(1), 461‑470.
Lund, A. (2023). Intersections between Precarious Housing and Residential Tenancy Law: A Review of A Complex Exile and Recent Legal Scholarship on Residential Tenancies. Journal of Law and Social Policy, 36(1), 44‑63.
Ramphal, B., Keen, R., Okuzuno, S. S., Ojogho, D. et Slopen, N. (2023). Evictions and Infant and Child Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review. JAMA Network Open, 6(4),.
Shucksmith, M., Glass, J., Chapman, P. et Atterton, J. (2023). Poverty and social exclusion in rural Britain: a review. Dans Rural Poverty Today (p. 17‑39). Policy Press.
Prévention et promotion de la santé
Berg, J., Costa, M. et Sebbane, D. (2023). Évaluation de la participation des usagers et des aidants en santé mentale numérique dans le cadre des projets européens eMEN, IT4anxiety et PATH. L’information psychiatrique, 99(3), 145‑155.
Burns, P. A., Anyimukwu, C., Omondi, A. A., Monger, M., Ward, L. et Poteat, T. (2023). Health-care providers’ perspectives on an HIV patient navigation training to improve uptake of PrEP among Black sexual minority men. Health Education Research, cyad005.
Collin, C., Eyraud, C., Martin, P., Chevreul, K., Roux, E. L. et Alberti, C. (2023). P161 – L’évaluation des interventions de santé numérique à destination des jeunes pour la promotion de la santé: une revue systématique des critères de jugement et groupes de comparaison. Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 71, 101814.
Evans, M. (2023). Peer Support and Mental Health: A Review of the Evidence. Dans M. Evans (dir.), Peer Support Services Reaching People with Schizophrenia: Considerations for Research and Practice (p. 51‑59). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Ghorra-Gobin, C. (2023). L’urbanisme de la prévention : documenter les inégalités environnementales et sanitaires à l’échelle métropolitaine et réinventer la nature en ville. Bulletin de l’association de géographes français. Géographies, 99(Numéro 4), 519‑533.
Hardouin, J., Ducarroz, S., Epstein, J., Guillemin, F., Melchior, M., Menvielle, G. et Rouquette, A. (2023). P015 – Création d’un questionnaire adaptatif pour la mesure de la littératie en santé. Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 71, 101656.
Israelashvili, M. et Hannani Nahhas, A. (2023). The Differential Preliminary Belief in Prevention: The Case of Adolescents’ Problem Behaviors. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion, 26320770221095440.
Recherche interventionnelle
Joseph, G. (2023). The role of sovereignty in Indigenous community-based health interventions: A qualitative metasynthesis. American journal of community psychology.
Martin, P., Alberti, C., Bourmaud, A., Burgun, A. et De la Rochebrochard, E. (2023). CO3.2 – Communauté interactive et participative en ligne, menée avec les pairs, comme outil de promotion de la santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents et jeunes adultes: la recherche-action Sexpairs. Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 71, 101609.
Matteï-Mieusset, C. et Boudreau, P. (2023). Développement professionnel d’un chercheur dans une recherche-action participative. Récit et analyse. Recherches en éducation, (51).
Nambiar, D., Mathew, B., Dubey, S. et Moola, S. (2023). Interventions addressing maternal and child health among the urban poor and homeless: an overview of systematic reviews. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 492.
Singh, N., Smith, G. M., Sossenheimer, P. H., Heidari, S. N., Hui, F., Hannah, J., Romano, P. et Wong, C. (2023). “The More I Know…the More I Like It”: A Systematic Review Evaluating Public- and Patient-Facing Educational Interventions About Palliative Care (Sch402). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 65(5), e579‑e580.
Turmaine, K., Ngo, C. P., Dumas, A. et Chevreul, K. (2023). P050 – Identifier les leviers et les barrières à l’implémentation d’une intervention communautaire en santé digitale par les collectivités françaises. Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 71, 101692.
Varela, C., Montero, M., Serrano-Ibáñez, E. R., de la Vega, A. et Pulido, M. A. G. (2023). Psychological interventions for healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review. Stress and health.
Nature et santé
Amiot, C. E., Caron, P.-O. et Bastian, B. (2022). Identifying with other animals and human well-being: Extending perspectives on the social cure and human-animal relations. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 58, 45‑53.
Li, H., Browning, M. H. E. M., Rigolon, A., Larson, L. R., Taff, D., Labib, S. M., Benfield, J., Yuan, S., McAnirlin, O., Hatami, N. et Kahn, P. H. (2023). Beyond “bluespace” and “greenspace”: A narrative review of possible health benefits from exposure to other natural landscapes. Science of The Total Environment, 856, 159292.
McDowall, S., Hazel, S. J., Chittleborough, C., Hamilton-Bruce, A., Stuckey, R. et Howell, T. J. (2023). The Impact of the Social Determinants of Human Health on Companion Animal Welfare. Animals, 13(6), 1113.
Nguyen, P.-Y., Astell-Burt, T., Rahimi-Ardabili, H. et Feng, X. (2023). Effect of nature prescriptions on cardiometabolic and mental health, and physical activity: a systematic review. The Lancet Planetary Health, 7(4), e313‑e328.
Siah, C. J. R., Goh, Y. S., Lee, J., Poon, S. N., Ow Yong, J. Q. Y. et Tam, W.-S. W. (s. d.). The effects of forest bathing on psychological well-being: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, n/a(n/a).
Adorjáni, J., Antal, I. et Tonk, G. (2023). Preparation of Two Participatory Social Housing Interventions in a Marginalised Roma Community in Romania. Social Sciences, 12(4), 216.
Khajehei, S. et Hamideh, S. (2023). Post-Disaster Recovery Challenges of Public Housing Residents: Lumberton, North Carolina After Hurricane Matthew. Urban Affairs Review, 10780874231167570.
Plaza del Pino, F. J., Muñoz Lucena, L., Azougagh, N., Gómez Haro, A., Álvarez Puga, B., Navarro-Prado, S. et Cabezón-Fernández, M. J. (2023). Migrant Women in Shantytowns in Southern Spain: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(8), 5524.
Rajabipour, A., Kutay, C., Guenther, J. et Bazli, M. (2023). Factors to be considered in the design of indigenous communities’ houses, with a focus on Australian first nation housing in the Northern Territory. Development Engineering, 8, 100109.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Ahillan, T., Emmerson, M., Swift, B., Golamgouse, H., Song, K., Roxas, A., Mendha, S. B., Avramović, E., Rastogi, J. et Sultan, B. (2023). COVID-19 in the homeless population: a scoping review and meta-analysis examining differences in prevalence, presentation, vaccine hesitancy and government response in the first year of the pandemic. BMC Infectious Diseases, 23(1), 155.
Anglin, D. M. (2023). Racism and Social Determinants of Psychosis. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 19(1).
Hilario, C., Louie-Poon, S., Taylor, M., Gill, G. K. et Kennedy, M. (2023). Racism in Health Services for Adolescents: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services, 27551938231162560.
Imsirovic, F., Sénéchal, C. et Larivée, S. (2023). Impact de la discrimination envers les personnes LGBTQ+ en milieu de travail : recension systématique. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations.
Marseille, B. R., Kolawole, J., Thorpe-Williams, J., Francis, L., Delva, S., Foronda, C. L., Bivins, B., Owusu, B., Josiah, N. et Baptiste, D.-L. (s. d.). Addressing hypertension among Haitian adults with insufficient access to quality healthcare: A discursive review. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Slack-Smith, L., Arena, G. et See, L. (2023). Rapid Oral Health Deterioration in Older People—A Narrative Review from a Socio-Economic Perspective. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(6), 2396.
Velarde, G., Bravo‐Jaimes, K., Brandt, E. J., Wang, D., Douglass, P., Castellanos, L. R., Rodriguez, F., Palaniappan, L., Ibebuogu, U., Bond, R., Ferdinand, K., Lundberg, G., Thamman, R., Vijayaraghavan, K. et Watson, K. (s. d.). Locking the Revolving Door: Racial Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of the American Heart Association, 0(0), e025271.
Prévention et promotion de la santé
Kaiser, D., Schuhmacher, A., Schmidtke, J. et Bös, K. (2023). Analysis and evaluation of developed and used health scores. Health Promotion International, 38(2), daad005.
Kronsted Lund, L., Gurholt, K. P. et Kaae, B. C. (2023). Whose blue healthy spaces? A scoping study on blue health promotion and recreation, planning and management. Sport, Education and Society, 0(0), 1‑13.
Kuschick, D., Kuck, J., Pachanov, A. et Geene, R. (2023). Health promotion for families with parental alcohol addiction: a systematic review. Journal of Public Health.
McVinnie, Z., Plateau, C. R., Lane, A., Murphy, N. et Stevinson, C. (2023). Effects of engaging in mass participation sporting events on physical activity behaviour,: a systematic review. Health Promotion International, 38(2), daad018.
Sanchez-Pimienta, C. E. (2023). Rompre avec les présupposés coloniaux en promotion de la santé. Global Health Promotion, 30(1), 73‑76.
Stona, A.-C. (2023). Déploiement de la santé mentale numérique à Singapour. L’information psychiatrique, 99(3), 157‑160.
Recherche interventionnelle
Bowden, E. R., Chang, A. B. et McCallum, G. B. (2023). Interventions to improve enablers and/or overcome barriers to seeking care during pregnancy, birthing and postnatal period for women living with vulnerabilities in high-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Midwifery, 121, 103674.
Costardi, C. G., D’agostini, A. C. C., Pan, P. M. et Bressan, R. A. (2023). Digital mental health interventions for school teachers – A narrative review. Early intervention in psychiatry.
Ihionvien, S., Fanaj, N., Qirjako, G., Mathieu, S., Purebl, G., Toth, M. D., Leduc, C., Aust, B., Reich de Paredes, H., Cresswell-Smith, J., Amann, B. L., Cully, G., Tsantila, F., Cerga Pashoja, A., Ross, V., Sanches, S. et Arensman, E. (2023). Evidence for the effectiveness of interventions to reduce mental health related stigma in the workplace: a systematic review. BMJ open.
Li, Y., Liang, S., Zhu, B., Liu, X., Li, J., Chen, D., Qin, J. et Bressington, D. (2023). Feasibility and effectiveness of artificial intelligence-driven conversational agents in healthcare interventions: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 104494.
O’Mahony, C., Brassil, M., Murphy, G. et Linehan, C. (2023). The efficacy of interventions in reducing belief in conspiracy theories: A systematic review. PLOS ONE, 18(4), e0280902.
van Nimwegen, D., Hjelle, E. G., Bragstad, L. K., Kirkevold, M., Sveen, U., Hafsteinsdóttir, T., Schoonhoven, L., Visser-Meily, J. et de Man-van Ginkel, J. (2023). Interventions for improving psychosocial well-being after stroke: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 104492.
Zain, S. H. M., Arifin, S. R. M., Mokhtar, H. H., Nurumal, M. S. et Man, M. C. (2023). Preventive Interventions to Reduce Second-Hand Smoke Exposure Among Non-Smoking Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 22(2).
Femmes et inégalités sociales
Ackenbom, M. F., Carter-Brooks, C. M., Soyemi, S. A., Everstine, C. K., Butters, M. A. et Davis, E. M. (2023). Barriers to Urogynecologic Care for Racial and Ethnic Minority Women: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Urogynecology, 29(2), 89.
Delanerolle, G., Yang, X., Cavalini, H., Kurmi, O., Rostivik, C., Shetty, A., Saraswat, L., Taylor, J., Sajid, S., Rathod, S., Shi, J. Q. et Phiri, P. (2023, 18 janvier). An Exploratory Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on Period Poverty [preprint]. Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Meyerovitz, C. V., Juraschek, S. P., Ayturk, D., Moore Simas, T. A., Person, S. D., Lemon, S. C., McManus, D. D. et Kovell, L. C. (2023). Social Determinants, Blood Pressure Control, and Racial Inequities in Childbearing Age Women With Hypertension, 2001 to 2018. Journal of the American Heart Association, e027169.
Philibert, L., Simon, D. J. et Lapierre, J. (2022). Intersectionality to better understand women’s health issues. Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere, 67(865), 18‑21.
Stevenson, K., Fellmeth, G., Edwards, S., Calvert, C., Bennett, P., Campbell, O. M. R. et Fuhr, D. C. (2023). The global burden of perinatal common mental health disorders and substance use among migrant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Public Health, 8(3), e203‑e216.
Teng, F., Sha, Y., Fletcher, L. M., Welsch, M., Burns, P. et Tang, W. (2023). Barriers to uptake of PrEP across the continuum among transgender women: A global scoping review. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 09564624231152781.
Tremblay, M., Sydora, B. C., Listener, L. J., Kung, J. Y., Lightning, R., Rabbit, C., Oster, R. T., Kruschke, Z. et Ross, S. (2023). Indigenous gender and wellness: a scoping review of Canadian research. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 82(1), 2177240.
Cole, A., Greenberg, S., Pedigo, S., Pope, M., Mueller, E., Way, H., Wegmann, J., Smith, K. et Gilliam, L. (2023). Affordable Housing: Challenges and Opportunities in Texas.
Gouse, I., Walters, S., Miller-Archie, S., Singh, T. et Lim, S. (2023). Evaluation of New York/New York III permanent supportive housing program. Evaluation and Program Planning, 97, 102245.
Osei-Kyei, R., Tam, V., Komac, U. et Ampratwum, G. (2023). Critical review of urban community resilience indicators. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Vernay, B. R. (2023). Les ensembles de logements sociaux viennois des années 1960 et 1970. In Situ. Revue des patrimoines, (49).
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Ansloos, J. et Cooper, A. (2023). Is Suicide a Water Justice Issue? Investigating Long-Term Drinking Water Advisories and Suicide in First Nations in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 4045.
Ardekani, A., Fereidooni, R., Heydari, S. T., Ghahramani, S., Shahabi, S. et Bagheri Lankarani, K. (2023). The association of patient-reported social determinants of health and hospitalization rate: A scoping review. Health Science Reports, 6(2), e1124.
Crepaz, N., Salabarría-Peña, Y., Mullins, M. M., Gunn, J. K. L. et Higa, D. H. (2023). Systematic Review of Social Determinants of Health Associated With HIV Testing Among Hispanic/Latino Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States. AIDS Education and Prevention, 35(1), 36-S6.
Douglas, D., Ndumbe-Eyoh, S., Osei-Tutu, K., Hamilton-Hinch, B.-A., Watson-Creed, G., Nnorom, O., Dryden, O. H. et Collaborative, au nom du B. H. E. (2023). Le Black Health Education Collaborative: le rôle essentiel de la théorie critique de la race dans l’élimination du racisme envers les Noirs dans la formation et l’exercice de la profession médicale. CMAJ, 195(4), E175‑E177.
Freedland, S. J., Niyazov, A., Nazari, J., Worthington, E., Lansing, A., Rosta, E. et Samjoo, I. (2023). Social determinants of health (SDOH) and survival among patients with metastatic prostate cancer (mPC): A systematic literature review (SLR). Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41(6_suppl), 25‑25.
Freudenberg, N. et Israel, B. (2023). Integrating Public Health Research and Teaching With Social Justice Activism: Lessons From 80 Years of Practice. Health Education & Behavior, 10901981231158404.
Lin, S. (Lamson). (2023). Inequities in Mental Health Care facing Racialized Immigrant Older Adults with Mental Disorders despite Universal Coverage: A Population-based Study in Canada. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, gbad036.
McGowan, D. A., Mather, C. et Stirling, C. (2023). Use of Social Determinants of Health Screening among Primary Health Care Nurses of Developed Countries: An Integrative Review. Nursing Reports, 13(1), 194‑213.
Nontarak, J., Vichitkunakorn, P. et Waleewong, O. (2023). Inequalities in access to new medication delivery services among non-communicable disease patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from nationally representative surveys in Thailand. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22(1), 38.
Padilla, M., Luna-Gierke, R. E., Carree, T., Gutierrez, M., Yuan, X. et Dasgupta, S. (2023). Racial Differences in Social Determinants of Health and Outcomes Among Hispanic/Latino Persons with HIV—United States, 2015–2020. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
Pickering, K., Galappaththi, E. K., Ford, J. D., Singh, C., Zavaleta-Cortijo, C., Hyams, K., Miranda, J. J., Arotoma-Rojas, I., Togarepi, C., Kaur, H., Arvind, J., Scanlon, H., Namanya, D. B. et Anza-Ramirez, C. (2023). Indigenous peoples and the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic scoping review. Environmental Research Letters, 18(3), 033001.
Santamaria-Garcia, H., Moguilner, S., Rodriguez-Villagra, O. A., Botero-Rodriguez, F., Pina-Escudero, S. D., O’Donovan, G., Albala, C., Matallana, D., Schulte, M., Slachevsky, A., Yokoyama, J. S., Possin, K., Ndhlovu, L. C., Al-Rousan, T., Corley, M. J., Kosik, K. S., Muniz-Terrera, G., Miranda, J. J. et Ibanez, A. (2023). The impacts of social determinants of health and cardiometabolic factors on cognitive and functional aging in Colombian underserved populations. GeroScience.
Smye, V., Browne, A. J., Josewski, V., Keith, B. et Mussell, W. (2023). Social Suffering: Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences of Accessing Mental Health and Substance Use Services. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4), 3288.
Worku, F., Bennett, F., Wheeler, S., Siddiqi, A. et Papadakos, J. (2023). Exploring the COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAPs) in the Black Community: a Scoping Review. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
Prévention et promotion de la santé
Bardon, C. et Comtois, J. (2023, 26 janvier). Guide d’évaluation de programmes de promotion du bien-être : de la théorie à la pratique [Rapport de recherche]. UQAM.
Bobbitt, S., Kawamura, A., Saunders, N., Monga, S., Penner, M. et Andrews, D. (2023). L’anxiété chez les enfants et les adolescents – partie 2 : la prise en charge des troubles anxieux. Paediatrics & Child Health, 28(1), 52‑59.
Dodd, R. H., Sharman, A. R., McGregor, D., Stone, E., Donnelly, C., Lourenco, R. D. A., Marshall, H. et Rankin, N. M. (2023). Education messages and strategies to inform the public, potential screening candidates and healthcare providers about lung cancer screening: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine, 107459.
Gaudreau, H., Radziszewski, S., Houle, J., Beaudin, A., Boisvert, L.-P., Brouri, S., Charrette, M., Côté, L., Coulombe, S., Labelle, R., Louka, E., Mousseau, B., Phaneuf, N., Rickwood, D. et Tremblay, P. H. (2023). Self-Management Strategies in Youth With Difficulties Related to Anxiety or Depression: What Helps Them Feel Better. Journal of Adolescent Research, 07435584231154840.
Gawlik, A., Lüdemann, J., Neuhausen, A., Zepp, C., Vitinius, F. et Kleinert, J. (2023). A Systematic Review of Workplace Physical Activity Coaching. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
López-Del-Hoyo, Y., Fernández-Martínez, S., Pérez-Aranda, A., Barceló-Soler, A., Bani, M., Russo, S., Urcola-Pardo, F., Strepparava, M. G. et García-Campayo, J. (s. d.). Effects of eHealth interventions on stress reduction and mental health promotion in healthcare professionals: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, n/a(n/a).
Nascimento, P., Roberto, M. S., Poole-da-Costa, M. C., Lemos, M. et Santos, A. S. (2023). Digital Methods in the Promotion of Well-Being in Immigrants: A Systematic Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
Thompson, T., Rotondo, J., Enns, A., Leason, J., Halverson, J., Huyer, D., Kuo, M., Lapointe, L., May-Hadford, J. et Orpana, H. (2023). Exploration des facteurs de risque contextuels et des caractéristiques des personnes décédées des effets toxiques aigus d’opioïdes et d’autres substances illégales : prise en compte de l’avis des coroners et des médecins légistes. Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada, 43(2), 55‑66.
Wright, M., Reitegger, F., Cela, H., Papst, A. et Gasteiger-Klicpera, B. (2023). Interventions with Digital Tools for Mental Health Promotion among 11–18 Year Olds: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52(4), 754‑779.
Recherche interventionnelle
Bert, F., Lo Moro, G., Giacomini, G., Minutiello, E. et Siliquini, R. (2023). Social media for psychological support of patients with chronic non-infectious diseases: a systematic review. Health Promotion International, 38(2), daad006.
Campbell, F., Whear, R., Rogers, M., Sutton, A., Robinson-Carter, E., Barlow, J., Sharpe, R., Cohen, S., Wolstenholme, L. et Thompson-Coon, J. (2023). Non-familial intergenerational interventions and their impact on social and mental wellbeing of both younger and older people—A mapping review and evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19(1), e1306.
Chen, A., Chen, L., Cheston, K., Zamil, K., Chang, T., Cray, H. et Vahia, I. (2023). Emerging and Evolving Applications of Telemedicine for older adults: A Scoping Review. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 31(3, Supplement), S76.
Herrmann, L., Reiss, F., Becker-Hebly, I., Baldus, C., Gilbert, M., Stadler, G., Kaman, A., Graumann, L. et Ravens-Sieberer, U. (2023). Systematic Review of Gender-Specific Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care. Child Psychiatry & Human Development.
Islam, S., Appleton, R., Hutchings-Hay, C., Lloyd-Evans, B. et Johnson, S. (2023). A systematic review of influences on implementation of supported self-management interventions for people with severe mental health problems in secondary mental health care settings. PLOS ONE, 18(2), e0282157.
Kuang, Y., Zhang, T., Ma, Y., Zhu, Z., So, W. K. W. et Xing, W. (2023). Communication of costs and financial burdens between cancer patients and healthcare providers: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 31(3), 192.
Mavedatnia, D., Hathi, K., Feschuk, A. M., Grose, E. M. et Eskander, A. (s. d.). Individuals Experiencing Homelessness: A Systematic Review of Otolaryngology-Related Health Needs and Community-Based Interventions. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, n/a(n/a).
Murayama, H., Takagi, Y., Tsuda, H. et Kato, Y. (2023). Applying Nudge to Public Health Policy: Practical Examples and Tips for Designing Nudge Interventions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 3962.
Syed, G., Sims, J., House, S. H., Bruno, B., Boulware, A., Tang, K. et Curenton, S. M. (2023). Innovations and Opportunities in Care for Black Mothers and Birthing People. Family & Community Health, 46(2), 87‑94.
Reproduction des inégalités dans les services publics
Chudnovsky, M., & Peeters, R. (2022). Une cascade d’exclusion : Les lourdeurs administratives et l’accès à la citoyenneté dans le cas du document national d’identité en Argentine. Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, 88(4), 847‑864.
González-Motos, S., & Saurí Saula, E. (2022). State Nurseries are Not for Us : The Limitations of Early Childhood Policies Beyond Price Barriers in Barcelona. International Journal of Early Childhood.
Palomera, D. (2022). A welfare state for all? An analysis of social inequalities in applications for and use of public childcare services, and the role of social policy in alleviating them. Papers: Revista de sociologia, 107, 1‑26.
Smith, C., Stanley, Z. D., & Chavan, N. R. (2023). Social determinants of health, barriers to obstetrical care, and their impact on preterm birth. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 228(1), S586‑S587.
Desmaison, B., Ramírez Corzo Nicolini, D., & Rivero, L. R. (2023). Building common understandings of urban inequalities to generate relevant solutions in Lima, Peru. Environment and Urbanization, 09562478221144403.
Hulchanski, J. D. (1991). A New Housing Strategy for Ontario : Academic Roundtable and Public Forum.
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Jiang, Y., Chen, L., Xie, Y., Li, Y., & Li, T. (2023). Subjective Well-Being of Historical Neighborhood Residents in Beijing : The Impact on the Residential Environment. Sustainability, 15(3), Art. 3.
Ong ViforJ, R., & Phelps, C. (2023). The Growing Intergenerational Housing Wealth Divide : Drivers And Interactions In Australia. Housing, Theory and Society, 0(0), 1‑20.
Son, D., Hyeon, T., Park, Y., & Kim, S.-N. (2023). Analysis of the relationship between nighttime illuminance and fear of crime using a quasi-controlled experiment with recorded virtual reality. Cities, 134, 104184.
Zhang, J., Jiang, S., Zhao, J., & Ma, X. (2023). Spatial Identification, Prevention and Control of Epidemics in High-Rise Residential Areas Based on Wind Environments. Atmosphere, 14(2), Art. 2.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Chelak, K., & Chakole, S. (2023). The Role of Social Determinants of Health in Promoting Health Equality : A Narrative Review. Cureus, 15(1).
Howe, P. D., Wilhelmi, O. V., Hayden, M. H., & O’Lenick, C. (2023). Geographic and demographic variation in worry about extreme heat and COVID-19 risk in summer 2020. Applied Geography, 102876.
Kemei, J., Tulli, M., Olanlesi-Aliu, A., Tunde-Byass, M., & Salami, B. (2023). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Black Communities in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), Art. 2.
Mahmoodi, Z., Bahrami, G., Ghavidel, N., & Seddighi, H. (2023). The effect of social determinants of health on quality of life among Afghan refugees in Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic : A path analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 23(1), 11.
Malta, M. (2023). LGBTQ+ health : Tackling potential health-care professionals’ bias. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 9(1), Art. 1.
O’Brien, S. F., Caffrey, N., Yi, Q.-L., Bolotin, S., Janjua, N. Z., Binka, M., Thanh, C. Q., Stein, D. R., Lang, A., Colquhoun, A., Pambrun, C., Reedman, C. N., & Drews, S. J. (2023). Cross-Canada Variability in Blood Donor SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence by Social Determinants of Health. Microbiology Spectrum, 0(0), e03356-22.
Rees, C. A., Stewart, A. M., Portillo, E. N., Mehta, S., Avakame, E., Jackson, J., McKay, J., Michelson, K. A., Duggan, C. P., & Fleegler, E. W. (2023). Reporting of Important Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Clinical Trials. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Richard, Z., Chabrol, F., Gautier, L., Zinszer, K., & Ridde, V. (2023). Considering social inequalities in health in COVID-19 response : Insights from a French case study. Health Promotion International, 38(1), daac173.
Promotion et prévention de la santé
Cardoso, P. C., Caldeira, T. C. M., Sousa, T. M. de, & Claro, R. M. (2023). Changes in Screen Time in Brazil: A Time-Series Analysis 2016-2021. American Journal of Health Promotion, 08901171231152147.
de Lannoy, L., Barbeau, K., Seguin, N., & Tremblay, M. S. (2023). Scoping review of children’s and youth’s outdoor play publications in Canada. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice, 43(1), 1‑13.
Estabrooks, P. A. (2023). An Overview of Dissemination and Implementation Science in Physical Activity and Health Promotion. Kinesiology Review, 1(aop), 1‑15.
Hamilton, K. A., Letts, L. J., Larivière, N., & Moll, S. E. (2023). Revisiting the Do-Live-Well Health Promotion Framework : A Citation Content Analysis. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 00084174221149268.
Hawkins, D., & Simon-Roberts, S. (2023). Music Videos as Health Promotion: Juvenile’s “Vax That Thang Up” and the Promotion of the COVID-19 Vaccine in the Black Community. American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642221145027.
Shalihin, M. S. E. B., Razib, M. Z. M., Mahadi, F. H., Harun, N., & Suhaimi, N. F. N. (2023). A Review of Sex Education Impact in Health Promotion and Teenage Behavior. International Journal Of Allied Health Sciences, 7(1), Art. 1.
Walsh, O., Sheridan, A., & Barry, M. M. (2023). The process of developing a mental health promotion plan for the Irish health service. Advances in Mental Health, 0(0), 1‑14.
Yakubovich, A. R., Steele, B., Moses, C., Tremblay, E., Arcenal, M., O’Campo, P., Mason, R., Du Mont, J., Huijbregts, M., Hough, L., Sim, A., & Shastri, P. (2023). Recommendations for Canada’s National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence: Perspectives from leaders, service providers and survivors in Canada’s largest city during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice, 43(4).
Recherche interventionnelle
Baskaran, M. (2023). Quasi-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of mental health programme on promoting mental health characteristics among adolescents in Coimbatore, India. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, 0(0).
Chia, F., Huang, W.-Y., Huang, H., & Wu, C.-E. (2023). Promoting Healthy Behaviors in Older Adults to Optimize Health-Promoting Lifestyle : An Intervention Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), Art. 2.
Decroix, C., Buchheit, S., Colombo, M.-C., Ligier, F., Kabuth, B., & Kivits, J. (2022). Parenting support in Maternal and child protection services : Co-construction of the PERL intervention logic. Sante Publique, 34(3), 391‑404.
Fleury, M.-J., & Grenier, G. (2022). Impact of various types of accommodation on people experiencing homelessness in Quebec. Sante Publique, 34(3), 371‑381.
Huang, X., Wang, Y., & Zhang, H. (2023). Effects of physical exercise intervention on depressive and anxious moods of college students : A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Russell, A. E., Curtin, E., Widnall, E., Dodd, S., Limmer, M., Simmonds, R., & Kidger, J. (2023). Assessing the Feasibility of a Peer Education Project to Improve Mental Health Literacy in Adolescents in the UK. Community Mental Health Journal.
Arts et mouvements sociaux
Carlson, B., & Berglund, J. (2021). Indigenous Peoples Rise Up: The Global Ascendency of Social Media Activism. Rutgers University Press.
MacGregor, S., Cooper, A., Searle, M., & Kukkonen, T. (2022). Co-production and arts-informed inquiry as creative power for knowledge mobilisation. Evidence & Policy, 18(2), 206–235.
McCaughan, E. (2012). Art and Social Movements: Cultural Politics in Mexico and Aztlán. Duke University Press.
Rios, A. M. (2022). Représenter la radicalisation de l’action collective au Chili. Socio. La nouvelle revue des sciences sociales, 16, Article 16.
Shaughnessy, N. (2012). Applying Performance: Live Art, Socially Engaged Theatre and Affective Practice. Springer.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Amoadu, M., Ansah, E. W., Assopiah, P., Acquah, P., Ansah, J. E., Berchie, E., Hagan, D., & Amoah, E. (2022). Socio-cultural factors influencing adolescent pregnancy in Ghana: A scoping review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1), 834.
Clark, N., & Wakil, Z. (2022). A Literature Review of Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Mental Healthcare in Canada. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(S3), Article S3.
Dobson, R., Rice, D. R., D’hooghe, M., Horne, R., Learmonth, Y., Mateen, F. J., Marck, C. H., Reyes, S., Williams, M. J., Giovannoni, G., & Ford, H. L. (2022). Social determinants of health in multiple sclerosis. Nature Reviews Neurology, 1–12.
Hunn, L. (2022). An exploration of the association between literacy and mental health care and outcomes. [Doctoral, University of East Anglia].
Poirier, B. F., Ribeiro Santiago, P. H., Kapellas, K., Jamieson, L., Neadley, K. E., & Boyd, M. (2022). Development of a Social Determinants of Health Screening Tool (SDoHST): Qualitative validation with stakeholders and patients in South Australia. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 0(ja), 1–23.
Rattay, P., Blume, M., Spallek, J., Hoffmann, S., Sander, L., Herr, R., Herke, M., Reuter, M., Novelli, A., & Hövener, C. (2022). Socioeconomic position and self-rated health among adolescents: The mediating role of the family.
Roffia, P., Bucciol, A., & Hashlamoun, S. (2022). Determinants of life expectancy at birth: A longitudinal study on OECD countries. International Journal of Health Economics and Management.
Tan, V., Chen, C., & Merchant, R. A. (2022). Association of social determinants of health with frailty, cognitive impairment, and self-rated health among older adults. PLOS ONE, 17(11), e0277290.
Wang, L., Calzavara, A., Baral, S., Smylie, J., Chan, A. K., Sander, B., Austin, P. C., Kwong, J. C., & Mishra, S. (2022). Differential patterns by area-level social determinants of health in COVID-19 related mortality and non-COVID-19 mortality: A population-based study of 11.8 million people in Ontario, Canada. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciac850.
Andrew-Amofah, B., Flynn, A., & Wood, P. (2022). A New Agenda for Local Democracy: Building Just, Inclusive, and Participatory Cities. Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance.
Klein, O. (2022). L’urbain et l’humain. Constructif, 63(3), 4–5.
Mahmood, A., Patille, R., Lam, E., Mora, D. J., Gurung, S., Bookmyer, G., Weldrick, R., Chaudhury, H., & Canham, S. L. (2022). Aging in the Right Place for Older Adults Experiencing Housing Insecurity: An Environmental Assessment of Temporary Housing Program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), Article 22.
Park, G.-R., Grignon, M., Young, M., & Dunn, J. R. (2022). How do housing asset and income relate to mortality? A population-based cohort study of 881220 older adults in Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 314, 115429.
Pillet, M. (Ed.). (2022). Nouvelle utopie sociale du logement de masse. Réhabilitation de Vision 80, La Défense, France.
Sheppard, C., Austen, A., & Hitzig, S. (2022). Adopting person-centred approaches in social housing to increase access to health and social care services among older adults. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(S3), Article S3.
Promotion et prévention de la santé
Grady, D. C., & Chan-Nguyen, D. S. (n.d.). Examen de deux facteurs psychosociaux dans les soins de longue durée pendant la pandémie de COVID 19. 15.
Marosz, S., Borkowska, A., Biszewski, M., Marosz, K., & Borkowska, K. (2022). Promotion of healthy lifestyle on the example of the problem of patella dislocation in athletes. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 12(11), 305–310.
Patja, K., Huis in ‘t Veld, T., Arva, D., Bonello, M., Orhan Pees, R., Soethout, M., & van der Esch, M. (2022). Health promotion and disease prevention in the education of health professionals: A mapping of European educational programmes from 2019. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 778.
Peralta, L. R., Cinelli, R. L., Marvell, C. L., & Nash, R. (2022). A teacher professional development programme to enhance students’ critical health literacy through school-based health and physical education programmes. Health Promotion International, 37(6), daac168.
Wuillaume, K., Hennebert, A., Aujoulat, I., & Malengreaux, S. (n.d.). Quelles stratégies développer pour un meilleur ancrage de la prévention et de la promotion de la santé dans la formation des professionnels de la première ligne de soins?
Recherche interventionnelle
Aitken, M., Sagar, A., Courtney, D., & Szatmari, P. (2022). Development, Reach, Acceptability and Associated Clinical Changes of a Group Intervention to Improve Caregiver-Adolescent Relationships in the Context of Adolescent Depression. PsyArXiv.
Hanna, R. J. (2022). Impact of a School-Based Youth Services Program on Students’ Academic and Social-Emotional Well-Being: The Perceptions of Students of a School in Hudson County, New Jersey [D.Ed.].
Killanga Killanga, R., & Kimessoukie Omolomo, É. (2022). Effet de la diffusion d’une vidéo éducative sur les compétences des proches aidants des enfants fébriles de moins de 5 ans à domicile: Une étude quasi expérimentale. Revue Francophone Internationale de Recherche Infirmière, 100277.
Lakshminarayanan, M., Skinner, G., Li, J., Tolan, P., Du Bois, D., & White, H. (2022). PROTOCOL: The effectiveness, implementation and cost effectiveness of mentoring programmes in reducing anti-social, violent and offending behaviour in children aged 17 years and below: A mixed method systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(4), e1286.
Nardini, K., Bolton, R., Cerdán-Torregrosa, A., Salazar, M., Edwards, C., Davó-Blanes, M. C., Sanz-Barbero, B., Dadoud, N., & Vives-Cases, C. (2022). Educational intervention guide. Promoting positive masculinities for the prevention of violence against women. Conceptual toolbox and activities. Carmen Vives Cases.
Tanguay-Verreault, A. (2022, June). La voix des images: Utiliser l’art en travail social pour briser l’isolement et développer la résilience des femmes immigrantes en contexte urbain [Mémoire accepté]. Université du Québec à Montréal.
L’approche participative en recherche-action
Blangy, S., McGinley, R., & Harvey Lemelin, R. (2010). Recherche-action participative et collaborative autochtone: Améliorer l’engagement communautaire dans les projets touristiques. Téoros : revue de recherche en tourisme, 29(1), 69–80.
Gaulin, D., Gagnon-Dion, M.-H., Plourde-Léveillé, L., & Fraser, S. (2022). La recherche-action participative comme soutien à l’autodétermination au Nunavik: Regards sur les processus, implications et défis. Intervention, 155, 97.
Henley, L. J., Stanley-Clarke, N., Thompson, E., Henley, Z., Chhay, Y., & Kea, S. (2022). Delivering community-based social work: The role of participatory action research in supporting community harm prevention in rural Cambodia. Qualitative Social Work, 14733250221125224.
Maréchal, K., Denys, M., Maughan, N., Plateau, L., Pipart, N., & Visser, M. (2022). La recherche-action participative SPINCOOP: Récit de la coopération entre maraîchers et chercheurs dans l’adaptation du modèle SPIN Farming à Bruxelles. Technologie et innovation, 7(4).
Ozanne, J. L., & Saatcioglu, B. (2008). Participatory Action Research. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(3), 423–439.
Habitation :
Bardet, F., & Perré, L. (2022). Quand les évaluations financières bousculent le logement social à la française.
Dantzler, P. A., & Collective, U. P. (n.d.). Housing affordability, market interventions, and policy platforms in the 2022 Ontario provincial election. Sociology Compass, n/a(n/a), e13046.
Park, G.-R., Grignon, M., Young, M., & Dunn, J. R. (2022). How do housing asset and income relate to mortality? A population-based cohort study of 881220 older adults in Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 314, 115429.
Zhao, Y., Shannon, K., Buxton, J. A., Ti, L., Genovy, T. A., Braschel, M., & Deering, K. (2022). The prevalence and social-structural correlates of housing status among women living with HIV in Vancouver, Canada. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1804.
Promotion et prévention de la santé :
Allenbach, M., Gabola, P., Moix Wolters, C., & Sauer, C. (2022). Du soutien reçu au soutien mobilisé: Étude et accompagnement de l’activité d’identification et de mobilisation des soutiens à sa propre activité professionnelle.
Crawford, A., Graham, B., Bloch, A., Bornyk, A., Ford, S., Mastey, D., Teddy, M., & Larsen, C. V. L. (2022). Going Local to Global through Technology-Needs Assessment and Development of a Virtual Arctic Youth Wellbeing Network. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20), Article 20.
Etienne, A., Pedre, C., Duvard, F., Hamon, M., Babet, D., Stojcic, I., Servat, M., & Menudier, L. (2022). Épidémie de COVID-19 à la Réunion: Vers un ancrage territorial des interventions de prévention ? Santé Publique, 34(HS1), 16d–16d.
Klepp, K.-I., Helleve, A., Fismen, A.-S., & Rutter, H. (2022). Improving the health of adolescents: The Nordic countries can help fill the evidence gap. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 50(7), 887–891.
Nielsen, P., Rigter, H., & Favez, N. (2022). La thérapie systémique-familiale: Une voie prometteuse pour traiter le gaming problématique à l’adolescence. Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux, 69(2), 187–202.
Sebbani, M., Mansouri, A., Michaud, S., Mansoury, O., Adarmouch, L., & Amine, M. (2022). COVID-19: Perceptions de la santé publique et sa promotion auprès des étudiants et enseignants en médecine à Marrakech. Santé Publique, 34(HS1), 10d–10d.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé :
“Analyses de livres.” Santé Publique 34, no. 2 (2022): 319–319.
Ceccarelli, C., E. Prina, O. Muneghina, M. Jordans, E. Barker, K. Miller, R. Singh, et al. “Adverse Childhood Experiences and Global Mental Health: Avenues to Reduce the Burden of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders.” Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 31 (ed 2022): e75.
Marchal, Audrey. “Impact de l’identification Au Groupe Sur La Pratique d’activité Physique Dans Une Population Étudiante,” 2022.
Recherche interventionnelle :
EBSCOhost | 159134050 | Correlates of perceived success of health-promoting interventions in elementary schools. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2022, from
Molassiotis, A., Xie, Y. J., Leung, A. Y. M., Ho, G. W. K., Li, Y., Leung, P. H.-M., Wang, H. L., Chen, C. X. R., Tong, D. W. K., Siu, J. Y., & Lau, J. T. F. (2022). A Community-Based Participatory Research Approach to Developing and Testing Social and Behavioural Interventions to Reduce the Spread of SARS-CoV-2: A Protocol for the ‘COPAR for COVID’ Programme of Research with Five Interconnected Studies in the Hong Kong Context. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20), Article 20.
Vieira, S., Lambert, C., Chéruel, F., Pereira, B., & Sancho-Garnier, H. (2022). Un essai d’intervention randomisé efficace en prévention de l’initiation au tabac chez les collégiens en Essonne. Santé Publique, 34(HS1), 7b–7b.
Les préjugés des professionnel.le.s de santé à l’égard des personnes en situation de pauvreté:
Benfer, Emily A., Seema Mohapatra, Lindsay F. Wiley, and Ruqaiijah Yearby. “Health Justice Strategies to Combat the Pandemic: Eliminating Discrimination, Poverty, and Health Disparities during and after COVID-19.” Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics 19 (2020 2019): 122.
Cognet, Marguerite. “Des inégalités d’accès aux soins aux discriminations en santé,” n.d., 2.
Cruz, Claudia. “Preventative Care,” n.d., 13.
Desprès, Caroline, and Pierre Lombrail. “Des pratiques médicales et dentaires, entre différenciation et discrimination. Une analyse de discours de médecins et dentistes.,” n.d., 16.
Guilfoyle, John, Len Kelly, and Natalie St-Pierre-Hansen. “Préjugés En Médecine: Notre Rôle Dans Les Inégalités En Matière de Santé.” Canadian Family Physician 54, no. 11 (November 1, 2008): 1518–20.
Marchandot, Léa. “Santé bucco-dentaire et grande pauvreté: recueil des perceptions, représentations, constats et préconisations de personnes en situation de grande pauvreté en lien avec ATD Quart Monde,” n.d., 232.
Promotion et prévention de la santé:
Mallet, Jasmina, Célie Massini, Julien Dubreucq, Romain Padovani, Guillaume Fond, and Sélim Benjamin Guessoum. “Santé mentale et Covid : toutes et tous concernés. Une revue narrative.” Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, August 6, 2022.
Buru, Kakale. “Identifying the Role of the School in Preventing Adolescent Obesity.” Rmasters, James Cook University, 2022.
Camacho-Rubio, Javier, Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo, and Celso Arango. “Preventing Mental Disorders and Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace.” Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 44 (n.d.): 461–62.
Rossi, Paolo, Francesco Miele, and Enrico Maria Piras. “The Co-Production of a Workplace Health Promotion Program: Expected Benefits, Contested Boundaries.” Social Theory & Health, August 17, 2022.
Strid, Emma Nilsing, Lars Wallin, and Ylva Nilsagård. “Implementation of a Health Promotion Practice Using Individually Targeted Lifestyle Interventions in Primary Health Care: Protocol for the ‘Act in Time’ Mixed Methods Process Evaluation Study.” JMIR Research Protocols 11, no. 8 (August 19, 2022): e37634.
Du, Xi. “Longitudinal Associations Between Housing Instability, Primary Caregiver’s Mental Health, Parenting Skills, and Child Behavior Problems: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach.” LSU Doctoral Dissertations, August 12, 2022.
kagioglou, michail. “Book of Abstracts: 9th International Workshop: When Social Science Meets LEAN and BIM: Towards Industry 5.0, 20th and 21st June 2022, Western Sydney University, Australia,” 2022.
Morency, Catherine, Fanny Tremblay-Racicot, and Brigitte Milord. “L’abordabilité intégrée des localisations résidentielles : État des connaissances scientifiques, des données, des indicateurs et des outils,” n.d., 57.
Srivarathan, Abirami, Maria Kristiansen, Terese Sara Høj Jørgensen, and Rikke Lund. “The Association between Social Integration and Neighborhood Dissatisfaction and Unsafety: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study among Social Housing Residents in Denmark.” Archives of Public Health 80, no. 1 (August 12, 2022): 190.
Déterminants sociaux de la santé:
Abdellatif, Moussouni. “Déterminants socio-démographiques et prévalence du surpoids et de l’obésité dans la population Tlemcen” 07 (2022): 13.
Chalfant, Victor, Carlos Riveros, and Andrew A. Stec. “Effect of Social Disparities on 10 Year Survival in Pediatric Patients with Wilms’ Tumor.” Cancer Medicine n/a, no. n/a. Accessed August 21, 2022.
Cyrenne-Dussault, Marie, Maude Sirois, Julie St-Pierre, and Jean-Philippe Drouin-Chartier. “Food Insecurity in Households of Children Receiving Care at a Paediatric Obesity Management Clinic in Montreal: Overall Prevalence and Changes Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Paediatrics & Child Health, August 3, 2022, pxac072.
Lui, Florence, Jackie Finik, Jennifer Leng, and Francesca Gany. “Social Determinants and Health-Related Quality of Life in a Sample of Diverse, Low Socioeconomic Status Cancer Patients.” Psycho-Oncology n/a, no. n/a. Accessed August 21, 2022.
Mizumoto, Junki, Toshichika Mitsuyama, Satoshi Kondo, Masashi Izumiya, Shoko Horita, and Masato Eto. “Defining the Observable Processes of Patient Care Related to Social Determinants of Health.” Medical Education n/a, no. n/a. Accessed August 21, 2022.
Recherche interventionnelle:
Cefai, Carmel, Liberato Camilleri, Paul Bartolo, Ilaria Grazzani, Valeria Cavioni, Elisabetta Conte, Veronica Ornaghi, et al. “OPEN ACCESS EDITED BY The Effectiveness of a School-Based, Universal Mental Health Programme in Six European Countries.” Frontiers in Psychology 13 (August 8, 2022).
Wagemakers, A., G. Wink, G. Fransen, K. van der Velden, and M. E. T. C. van den Muijsenbergh. “Outcomes That Matter through Parent Engagement in the Development, Implementation and Evaluation Phases of a 40 Year Family Health Promotion Programme in a Low-Income Neighbourhood in the Netherlands,” 2022.
Ezeofor, Ijeoma, Robert W. Lent, and Bhanu Priya Moturu. “Test of a Social Cognitive Model of Restorative Well-Being: Application to International Students.” Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion, August 15, 2022, 26320770221097628.
Hadiyani, Wini, and Neng Sahar. “The Impact of Mind Mapping-Based Health Promotion on Adolescents’ Self-Awareness of Smoking Cessation.” Risenologi 7, no. 1a (August 19, 2022): 10–13.
Takagi, Masayuki, Naruko Goami, and Peter Bontje. “Benefits of Daily Occupational Diary Use 3 Months After a Health Promotion Program for Community-Dwelling Older Adults.” The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 76, no. 5 (August 16, 2022): 7605205040.
Les effets de l’inaccessibilité du transport sur la santé
Hartley, M., Curl, A., Crossin, R., & McKerchar, C. (2021). Access to primary care services using public transport in Ōtautahi Christchurch. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 134(1546), 59‑69.
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Promotion et prévention de la santé
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Déterminants sociaux de la santé
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Recherche interventionnelle
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La coconstruction des savoirs pour améliorer les pratiques professionnelles
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Promotion et prévention de la santé
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Déterminants sociaux de la santé
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Recherche interventionnelle
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Politiques publiques pour lutter contre les inégalités
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Promotion et prévention de la santé
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Déterminants sociaux de la santé
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Recherche interventionnelle
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Recherche-action en contexte international
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Promotion et prévention de la santé
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Déterminants sociaux de la santé
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Recherche interventionnelle
Cordeiro, L., & Soares, C. B. (2018). Action research in the healthcare field : A scoping review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 16(4), 1003‑1047.
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Pair aidance en itinérance
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Promotion et prévention de la santé
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Déterminants sociaux de la santé
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Recherche interventionnelle
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Participation citoyenne et innovation sociale
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Promotion et prévention de la santé
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Déterminants sociaux de la santé
Dalsania, A. K., Fastiggi, M. J., Kahlam, A., Shah, R., Patel, K., Shiau, S., Rokicki, S., & DallaPiazza, M. (2021). The Relationship Between Social Determinants of Health and Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Mortality. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.
Recherche inteventionnelle
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Promotion et prévention de la santé
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Déterminants sociaux de la santé
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Promotion et prévention de la santé
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Recherche interventionnelle
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