Janie Houle is a community psychologist and full professor in the Department of Psychology at the Université du Québec à Montréal. She is a regular researcher (in charge of the Front-Line Project) at the Research Centre of the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal (CR-IUSMM). She is also a regular researcher at UQAM’s Centre de recherche et d’intervention sur le suicide, enjeux éthiques et pratiques de fin de vie (CRISE). She is a research member of Réseau-1 Québec (responsible for the Extended Primary Line Function), the Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ) and the Qualaxia network.
After focusing on suicide prevention, her current research (funded by SSHRC, FRQS, Ouranos, MSSS and others) aims to better understand how to reduce social inequalities in health, by empowering people in vulnerable situations and promoting the establishment of environments that promote health and social justice. Her interests include mental health recovery, the well-being of people living in low income housing, self-management of anxiety/depressive disorders and the improvement of primary health services.
All this research is carried out in close collaboration with people directly concerned by the phenomenon under study (peer researchers), community partners and partners from the health and social services sector.
See her complete profile on the Vitalité laboratory website (in French).